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IOI Olympiad (International Olympiad in Informatics)

The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual Informatics competition launched in 1989 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This article provides a brief introduction about IOI Olympiad along with the eligibility, syllabus, venue, rules, rewards, etc.

What is IOI Olympiad?

The term “IOI” typically refers to the International Olympiad in Informatics. The IOI Olympiad is an annual Competitive Programming competition for secondary school students from around the world. It is one of the most prestigious competitions in the field of computer science and programming. Participants, usually high school students, compete individually to showcase their problem-solving and programming skills by solving a set of complex algorithmic problems within a limited time frame.

Aim of IOI Olympiad:

The primary aim of the IOI Olympiad is to provide a common platform for students to come together and showcase their problem-solving and programming skills in the field of Computer Science and Informatics. It aims to:

Each participating Country is represented by a National Delegation. All members of a National Delegation represent one Country. A National Delegation is headed by a Delegation Leader and has a team of one to four contestants and if there is more than one Contestant, then the team may include a Deputy Leader. The team will compete in a two-day competition. Each team competes to maximize their score by solving three algorithmic problems within five hours on each competition day.

Eligibility for IOI Olympiad:

Any participant must hold the given conditions to be eligible for taking part in the Olympiad.

Rules for IOI Participants:

It is the responsibility of the delegation leader to ensure all the rules are being followed by the members of delegation.

Violation of any rules may lead to disqualification of the team.

How to Participate in IOI Olympiad:

Students in each country are selected for their country’s team through national computing contests.

Syllabus of IOI:

The syllabus for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) covers a range of topics related to algorithmic problem-solving and programming. The following is a general overview of the typical subjects covered in the IOI syllabus:

Category Topics
Basic Programming Variables, data types, input/output, conditional statements, loops, functions, recursion, basic standard template library (STL) usage.
Mathematics Number theory, basic combinatorics, modular arithmetic, prime numbers, basic geometry.
Data Structures Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, graphs, etc.
Number Theory Modular arithmetic, greatest common divisor (GCD), least common multiple (LCM), modular inverses, Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT).
Greedy Algorithms Basic principles, applications in optimization problems, interval scheduling, Huffman coding.
Dynamic Programming Basic principles, memoization, tabulation, applications in optimization problems.
Graph Algorithms Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm, topological sorting.
Combinatorics Counting principles, permutations, combinations, inclusion-exclusion principle, generating functions.
Geometry Basic geometry concepts, convex hull, line-sweep algorithms.
Game Theory Introduction to game theory, minimax algorithm.
Online Judge Practice Problem-solving on online judges such as Codeforces, AtCoder, HackerRank, etc.

It is important to note that the specific topics covered in the IOI syllabus may vary slightly from year to year. Additionally, the difficulty level increases with each IOI competition, so participants are expected to have a strong understanding of these topics and be able to apply their knowledge to solve challenging problems.

The syllabus gets updated, so it becomes important to regularly update yourself with the official website.

Venue of IOI Olympiad:

There are a total of 91 countries and regions that can hold the finals of International Olympiad in Informatics. In order to select the students representing a country, every country conducts a prelims round on their own and select 4 students to represent the country in IOI Olympiad. A coach is sent with a delegation of 4 students and 2 adults by every participating country. The two-day long contest is followed by some cultural and recreational events organized on the organization.

Itinerary of IOI:

The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is typically organized over several days, and participants engage in various activities during this period. Here’s a general itinerary for the IOI Olympiad:

Day Activities
Day 1 – Arrival and registration
– Distribution of information packets
– Welcome ceremony and introduction to the event
Day 2 – Opening ceremony with official speeches
– Introduction to IOI rules and guidelines
– Practice contest for participants
– Team leaders and contestants get acquainted
Day 3 – Day 1 of the main contest
– Contestants have to solve 3 problems to solve in 5 hours
– Free time or social activities

Day 4

– Day 1 Analysis and Appeals

– Relax and Activities

Day 5 – Day 2 of the main contest
– Conclusion of the contest
– Participants may have free time or engage in activities
Day 6 – Day 2 Analysis and Appeal
– Excursion or cultural activities for participants
Day 7 – Closing ceremony with result announcement
– Distribution of medals and certificates
– Farewell speeches and acknowledgments
– Official group photo
– Farewell dinner or social event
Day 8 – Check-out from accommodation
– Departure of participants to their respective countries

It’s important to note that the actual schedule and events may vary each year, and organizers may incorporate additional activities or make adjustments based on the host country’s preferences. Participants also have the chance to interact with each other, exchange cultural experiences, and form friendships during the Olympiad.

Awards at IOI Olympiad:

A felicitation ceremony is conducted to address the participants of the event. After the contest, participants are awarded with medals based on their performance. The top 50% are given the medals.

The top 50% medals are divided into gold, silver and bronze. The ratio of medals is around 1:2:3:6 meaning:

In most of the countries, students who qualify for IOI Olympiad are rewarded heavily. In India, qualifying for IOITC or IOI Olympiad gets direct admission to the top IIITs in the country, like IIIT Delhi, IIIT Hyderabad, etc.

IOI Olympiad Roadmap for Indian Students:

The 4 students to represent India at the IOI Olympiad are selected through the Indian Computing Olympiad (ICO). The conducting body for ICO is Indian Association for Research in Computer Science (IARCS). ICO is held in 3 stages and 4 students who qualify all the three rounds are selected to represent India for IOI. The three stages are:

IOI Olympiad Roadmap for Students in USA:

Students who want to participate in IOI Olympiad from USA need to qualify all the stages of United States of America Computing Olympiad (USACO). USACO is an online computer programming competition which serves as a qualification to participate in IOI Olympiad from USA. In an academic year, USACO conducts 4 contests: December, January, February and US Open. The US Open contest is 5 hours long whereas the others are 4 hours long. In each of these contests, there are 4 difficulty levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. All the participants have to start from Bronze Level. Each of these contests are scored out of 1000 points with 3 competitive programming problems of equal points (Each problem is worth 1000/3 = 333.33 points). The number of testcases in each problem can range from 10-30, with all of them having equal points weightage except the sample test cases which are not worth any points. Inputs and Outputs of testcases (except sample testcases) are not visible during the contest. USACO supports C++, Java and Python but it is recommended to use C++ as it would help in IOI Olympiad. The cutoff in each round is always a multiple of 50 and ranges from 600 to 850. If you score at least the cutoff score for your division, then you permanently qualify for the next division. 4 students who qualify all the rounds of USACO are selected to represent USA for IOI Olympiad.

Previous Years IOI Olympiad:

The IOI Olympiad has been held annually since 1989, and each year a different country takes on the role of the host. The competition involves multiple days of algorithmic problem-solving tasks for high school students from around the world. Here is the list of past 10 IOI Olympiads along with all the details:



Host Country





28th August 2023 – 01 September 2023






07 August 2022 – 15 August 2022






19 June 2021 – 25 June 2021






13 September 2020 – 19 September 2020






04 August 2019 – 11 August 2019






01 September 2018 – 08 September 2018






28 July 2017 – 04 August 2017






12 August 2016 – 19 August 2016






26 July 2015 – 02 August 2015






13 July 2014 – 20 July 2014





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