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Integer Range in JavaScript

In this article, we will know the different ranges of an integer variable in JavaScript. To get the ranges, we will use the MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE properties of ES5 JavaScript and the MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and MIN_SAFE_INTEGER properties of ES6 JavaScript.

The MAX_VALUE represents the biggest possible numeric value of a positive number that can be represented in JavaScript with the value 1.79E+308. The MIN_VALUE represents the smallest possible positive number representable in JavaScript within float precision with the value 5E-324(>0). The MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is a constant number that represents the minimum safe integer with the value  (253 – 1). The MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is a constant number that represents the negative value of the MAX_SAFE_INTEGER with the value (-1)x(253-1).

We will understand the above concept through examples.

Example 1: To show the range of the integer using MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE of ES5 JavaScript.

    function Range() {
        document.write("The minimum value of integer is: "
            + Number.MIN_VALUE + "<br>");
    document.write("The maximum value of integer is: "


The minimum value of integer is: 5e-324
The maximum value of integer is: 1.7976931348623157e+308

Example 2: To show the range of the integer using MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and MIN_SAFE_INTEGER of ES6 JavaScript.

    function Range() {
        document.write("The minimum value of integer is: "
            + Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER + "<br>");
    document.write("The maximum value of integer is: "


The minimum value of integer is: -9007199254740991
The maximum value of integer is: 9007199254740991

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