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Infosys Interview Experience (Off-Campus) 2022

Eligible Branches: ALL

Job Profile: Digital Specialist Engineer/ Specialist Programmer

Round 1: Online Assessment

Round 2: Interview – Estimated time: 1 hr

I had written Java and DBMS in my resume. Therefore, Java and DBMS questions were asked.

  1. Brief introduction
  2. Why Java is a platform-dependent language?
  3. Why Java is not a pure object-oriented language?
  4. Why Java did not make use of pointers?
  5. Can you explain what are instance variables and local variables?
  6. What is the default value for variables and methods? What is the default value for Boolean?
  7. What is Data Encapsulation?
  8. Explain JIT compiler? How it works?
  9. Difference between equals() and == operator in Java?
  10. Can you explain constructed overloading?
  11. What is copy constructor?
  12. Can the main method be overloaded?
  13. Can single try block and multiple catch blocks co-exist in a Java program?
  14. Can you explain final keyword in variable, method and class?
  15. Do final, finally, finalize have same functions?
  16. In what case finally block will not be executed? What will you do if I don’t want to execute finally block?
  17. What is the use of super keyword?
  18. Can static methods be overloaded?
  19. Why main method is static in Java?
  20. Can static methods be overridden?
  21. Difference between static variable, method and class?
  22. Can you explain garbage collection in Java? What is the main object of that?
  23. What part of memory is cleaned in garbage collection? Is it stack or heap?
  24. What are shallow copy and deep copy in Java?
  25. Why strings are immutable in Java?
  26. What is singleton class? How to implement it?
  27. Which will show error? (a) int[] a = new int[0] (b) char[] ch = new char [-200] (c) double[] d = new double[271428956];
  28. What is reflection in Java?
  29. Write to program to print all the leaves of a binary tree?
  30. Program to print all the permutations of a string? (All character array permutations of a given string)
  31. List few advantages of DBMS.
  32. What are the languages available in DBMS?
  33. What are ACID properties?
  34. Do you have understanding of Data Structures time complexity?
  35. What is 2-tier and 3-tier application in DBMS? What is the protocol used in these applications?
  36. Do you have long term aspirations?
  37. Do you have constraint working in shifts?
  38. Do you have constraint of location?
  39. Do you have constraint of working on support or development project?
  40. Difference between C++ and Java?

This was the combined interview for DSE and SP profile. Based on the performance DSE/SP role is given.

Verdict: Selected in DSE

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