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Infosys HackWithInfy DSE Interview Experience 2021

Infosys conducts its off-campus hiring fest through Infytq and Hackwithinfy. This year Hackwithinfy consisted of two rounds. The first round was held in May. In my case, the exam date was 9th May 2021. The second round is the Grand Finale.

Round 1 was a coding test for all the registered students comprising of 3 easy to hard level questions. There were questions from dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and basic problem-solving.

Based on the performance of round 1, candidates were shortlisted for PPI (Pre Placement Interview) for profiles of :

  1. Digital Specialist Engineer (DSE) 
  2. Power Programmer (PP) 

The result of round 1 was disclosed in the month of June. 

Given below are my experiences and how the interview went. 

Introduction: The interviewer was an experienced professional from Infosys itself. 

Tips:  Here I would like to say that this is the most important question of the interview. Don’t fumble around and be honest. Don’t mug up some answers and tell. This is the point where you have to explain the 20-22 years of your life in 2-3 minutes. Make it crisp and don’t make it too long. Make sure to include the following points – 

Projects: Infosys really stresses your project. Make sure to prepare it well. You can expect a good 15-20 mins discussion on the same. In my case, the interviewer was really impressed by our project and asked many questions regarding the same. 

Subject of Interest: This part may vary from stream to stream and also on what you have written on your resume. 

Coding Part: The interviewer asked me to open an editor of my choice and told me to write two basic programs. 

HR questions: Once my technical parts were over I was asked some of the HR-related questions such as –

  1. Despite being from a non-CS/IT background what is your motivation in joining IT industry?
  2. Why Infosys?
  3. Suppose you are a team leader and you are assigned a task. How will you proceed?
  4. Show an example where you have shown leadership skills.
  5. If you are facing any problem, how will you tackle it?
  6. Any questions for me?

These are very common questions. Don’t mug up from any sources. Just give your honest opinion and you will be all good. 

This is how my interview went. I got a mail from college TPO on 5th August 2021 that I was selected for the DSE role. 


My preparation Sources: 

That was it from me. Best of luck and thank you.

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