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Top 10 Import Products from India to USA

USA imported a total of $85.5 billions worth products from India. India and the United States have a strong trading relationship with various products being imported from India to the USA. These products include textiles, pharmaceuticals, machinery, precious metals, chemicals, and agricultural goods like spices and tea.

The USA imports leather items, electronics, and automotive parts from India. This trade helps both countries economically and gives consumers in the USA access to a wide range of Indian products. In India, exports are a big part of the economy, making up about 4% of the GDP. Exporting goods is important for countries because it helps their businesses grow, especially those that make things.

We have curated the list of Imported Products from India to USA.

List of Top Import Products from India to the USA

Here is the list of top 10 import products from India to USA.

Import Products of USA from India


Medical appliances and accessories


Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins


Textiles and Apparel


Machinery and Equipment


Articles of iron or steel


Agriculture products


Leather Items




Photographic or cinematographic goods


Organic Chemicals


Medical appliances and accessories

Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins

Textiles and Apparel

Machinery and Equipment

Must Check

Articles of iron or steel

Agriculture Products

Leather Items


Photographic or cinematographic goods

Organic Chemicals


India and the USA have a strong trade connection, with India supplying a wide range of products to the American market. From medicines to textiles and machinery, India exports various goods to the USA. This trade helps both countries grow economically and supports their industries. As the demand for Indian products increases in the USA, their trade relationship is expected to get even stronger in the future.

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Top Import Products from India to USA – FAQs

Which field is in high demand in USA?

The most in-demand jobs in the US include information technology and software, engineering, healthcare, finance and accounting, management, human resources, nursing, teaching, marketing and sales, hospitality, and more.

What are the top import products from India to the USA?

The top import products from India to the USA include textiles and apparel, pharmaceuticals, machinery and equipment, organic chemicals, pearls and precious stones, agricultural products, leather goods and electrical and electronic items.

What does India sell to USA?

Diamonds and jewellery is the most exported product from India to the US.

What products Americans buy most online?

Americans buy a wide variety of products online, but some of the most popular categories include electronics, clothing and apparel, health and beauty products, home goods and appliances, books and media, and groceries. With the convenience of online shopping platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay, consumers can easily purchase everything from electronics like smartphones and laptops to clothing items like shirts and dresses.

Can I sell my products from India to USA?

To start exporting from India to the USA, first, you should research the US market for the goods you want to sell. Then, pick the right online marketplace in the US, such as Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, or eBay, and sign up as a seller. These platforms have millions of online shoppers, giving you a wide reach to sell your products.

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