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Implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe game

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// Set up the game board as an array
vector<string> board = {"-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"};

// Define a function to print the game board
void printBoard() {
    cout << board[0] << " | " << board[1] << " | " << board[2] << endl;
    cout << board[3] << " | " << board[4] << " | " << board[5] << endl;
    cout << board[6] << " | " << board[7] << " | " << board[8] << endl;

// Define a function to handle a player's turn
void takeTurn(string player) {
    cout << player << "'s turn." << endl;
    cout << "Choose a position from 1-9: ";
    int position;
    cin >> position;
    position -= 1;
    while (position < 0 || position > 8 || board[position] != "-") {
        cout << "Invalid input or position already taken. Choose a different position: ";
        cin >> position;
        position -= 1;
    board[position] = player;

// Define a function to check if the game is over
string checkGameOver() {
    // Check for a win
    if ((board[0] == board[1] && board[1] == board[2] && board[0] != "-") ||
        (board[3] == board[4] && board[4] == board[5] && board[3] != "-") ||
        (board[6] == board[7] && board[7] == board[8] && board[6] != "-") ||
        (board[0] == board[3] && board[3] == board[6] && board[0] != "-") ||
        (board[1] == board[4] && board[4] == board[7] && board[1] != "-") ||
        (board[2] == board[5] && board[5] == board[8] && board[2] != "-") ||
        (board[0] == board[4] && board[4] == board[8] && board[0] != "-") ||
        (board[2] == board[4] && board[4] == board[6] && board[2] != "-")) {
        return "win";
    // Check for a tie
    else if (count(board.begin(), board.end(), "-") == 0) {
        return "tie";
    // Game is not over
    else {
        return "play";

// Define the main game loop
int main() {
    string currentPlayer = "X";
    bool gameOver = false;
    while (!gameOver) {
        string gameResult = checkGameOver();
        if (gameResult == "win") {
            cout << currentPlayer << " wins!" << endl;
            gameOver = true;
        } else if (gameResult == "tie") {
            cout << "It's a tie!" << endl;
            gameOver = true;
        } else {
            // Switch to the other player
            currentPlayer = currentPlayer == "X" ? "O" : "X";
    return 0;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class TicTacToe {
    // Set up the game board as an array
    static String[] board = {"-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"};

    // Define a function to print the game board
    static void printBoard() {
        System.out.println(board[0] + " | " + board[1] + " | " + board[2]);
        System.out.println(board[3] + " | " + board[4] + " | " + board[5]);
        System.out.println(board[6] + " | " + board[7] + " | " + board[8]);

    // Define a function to handle a player's turn
    static void takeTurn(String player) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println(player + "'s turn.");
        System.out.print("Choose a position from 1-9: ");
        int position = scanner.nextInt() - 1;
        while (position < 0 || position > 8 || !board[position].equals("-")) {
            System.out.print("Invalid input or position already taken. Choose a different position: ");
            position = scanner.nextInt() - 1;
        board[position] = player;

    // Define a function to check if the game is over
    static String checkGameOver() {
        // Check for a win
        if ((board[0].equals(board[1]) && board[1].equals(board[2]) && !board[0].equals("-")) ||
                (board[3].equals(board[4]) && board[4].equals(board[5]) && !board[3].equals("-")) ||
                (board[6].equals(board[7]) && board[7].equals(board[8]) && !board[6].equals("-")) ||
                (board[0].equals(board[3]) && board[3].equals(board[6]) && !board[0].equals("-")) ||
                (board[1].equals(board[4]) && board[4].equals(board[7]) && !board[1].equals("-")) ||
                (board[2].equals(board[5]) && board[5].equals(board[8]) && !board[2].equals("-")) ||
                (board[0].equals(board[4]) && board[4].equals(board[8]) && !board[0].equals("-")) ||
                (board[2].equals(board[4]) && board[4].equals(board[6]) && !board[2].equals("-"))) {
            return "win";
        // Check for a tie
        else if (!String.join("", board).contains("-")) {
            return "tie";
        // Game is not over
        else {
            return "play";

    // Define the main game loop
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String currentPlayer = "X";
        boolean gameOver = false;
        while (!gameOver) {
            String gameResult = checkGameOver();
            if (gameResult.equals("win")) {
                System.out.println(currentPlayer + " wins!");
                gameOver = true;
            } else if (gameResult.equals("tie")) {
                System.out.println("It's a tie!");
                gameOver = true;
            } else {
                // Switch to the other player
                currentPlayer = currentPlayer.equals("X") ? "O" : "X";
# Set up the game board as a list
board = ["-", "-", "-",
         "-", "-", "-",
         "-", "-", "-"]

# Define a function to print the game board
def print_board():
    print(board[0] + " | " + board[1] + " | " + board[2])
    print(board[3] + " | " + board[4] + " | " + board[5])
    print(board[6] + " | " + board[7] + " | " + board[8])

# Define a function to handle a player's turn
def take_turn(player):
    print(player + "'s turn.")
    position = input("Choose a position from 1-9: ")
    while position not in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]:
        position = input("Invalid input. Choose a position from 1-9: ")
    position = int(position) - 1
    while board[position] != "-":
        position = int(input("Position already taken. Choose a different position: ")) - 1
    board[position] = player

# Define a function to check if the game is over
def check_game_over():
    # Check for a win
    if (board[0] == board[1] == board[2] != "-") or \
       (board[3] == board[4] == board[5] != "-") or \
       (board[6] == board[7] == board[8] != "-") or \
       (board[0] == board[3] == board[6] != "-") or \
       (board[1] == board[4] == board[7] != "-") or \
       (board[2] == board[5] == board[8] != "-") or \
       (board[0] == board[4] == board[8] != "-") or \
       (board[2] == board[4] == board[6] != "-"):
        return "win"
    # Check for a tie
    elif "-" not in board:
        return "tie"
    # Game is not over
        return "play"

# Define the main game loop
def play_game():
    current_player = "X"
    game_over = False
    while not game_over:
        game_result = check_game_over()
        if game_result == "win":
            print(current_player + " wins!")
            game_over = True
        elif game_result == "tie":
            print("It's a tie!")
            game_over = True
            # Switch to the other player
            current_player = "O" if current_player == "X" else "X"

# Start the game
// Set up the game board as an array
let board = ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"];

// Define a function to print the game board
function printBoard() {
    console.log(`${board[0]} | ${board[1]} | ${board[2]}`);
    console.log(`${board[3]} | ${board[4]} | ${board[5]}`);
    console.log(`${board[6]} | ${board[7]} | ${board[8]}`);

// Define a function to handle a player's turn
function takeTurn(player) {
    console.log(`${player}'s turn.`);
    let position = prompt("Choose a position from 1-9:");
    position -= 1;
    while (position < 0 || position > 8 || board[position] !== "-") {
        position = prompt("Invalid input or position already taken. Choose a different position:");
        position -= 1;
    board[position] = player;

// Define a function to check if the game is over
function checkGameOver() {
    // Check for a win
    if ((board[0] === board[1] && board[1] === board[2] && board[0] !== "-") ||
        (board[3] === board[4] && board[4] === board[5] && board[3] !== "-") ||
        (board[6] === board[7] && board[7] === board[8] && board[6] !== "-") ||
        (board[0] === board[3] && board[3] === board[6] && board[0] !== "-") ||
        (board[1] === board[4] && board[4] === board[7] && board[1] !== "-") ||
        (board[2] === board[5] && board[5] === board[8] && board[2] !== "-") ||
        (board[0] === board[4] && board[4] === board[8] && board[0] !== "-") ||
        (board[2] === board[4] && board[4] === board[6] && board[2] !== "-")) {
        return "win";
    // Check for a tie
    else if (!board.includes("-")) {
        return "tie";
    // Game is not over
    else {
        return "play";

// Define the main game loop
function main() {
    let currentPlayer = "X";
    let gameOver = false;
    while (!gameOver) {
        let gameResult = checkGameOver();
        if (gameResult === "win") {
            console.log(`${currentPlayer} wins!`);
            gameOver = true;
        } else if (gameResult === "tie") {
            console.log("It's a tie!");
            gameOver = true;
        } else {
            // Switch to the other player
            currentPlayer = currentPlayer === "X" ? "O" : "X";

// Start the game

Rules of the Game

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

#define COMPUTER 1
#define HUMAN 2
#define SIDE 3 // Length of the board

// Computer will move with 'O' and human with 'X'
#define HUMANMOVE 'X'

// Function to show the current board status
void showBoard(char board[][SIDE]) {
    cout << endl << "\t\t\t  " << board[0][0] << " | " << board[0][1] << " | " << board[0][2] << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t--------------" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t  " << board[1][0] << " | " << board[1][1] << " | " << board[1][2] << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t--------------" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t  " << board[2][0] << " | " << board[2][1] << " | " << board[2][2] << endl << endl;

// Function to show the instructions
void showInstructions() {
    cout << "\t\t\t  Tic-Tac-Toe" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Choose a cell numbered from 1 to 9 as below and play" << endl << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t  1 | 2 | 3" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t--------------" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t  4 | 5 | 6" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t--------------" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t\t  7 | 8 | 9" << endl << endl;
    cout << "-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-" << endl << endl;

// Function to initialise the game
void initialise(char board[][SIDE], int moves[]) {
    for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < SIDE; j++)
            board[i][j] = ' ';
    for (int i = 0; i < SIDE * SIDE; i++)
        moves[i] = i;
    random_shuffle(moves, moves + SIDE * SIDE);

// Function to declare the winner of the game
void declareWinner(int whoseTurn) {
    if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)
        cout << "COMPUTER has won" << endl;
        cout << "HUMAN has won" << endl;

// Function to check if any row is crossed with the same player's move
bool rowCrossed(char board[][SIDE]) {
    for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
        if (board[i][0] == board[i][1] && board[i][1] == board[i][2] && board[i][0] != ' ')
            return true;
    return false;

// Function to check if any column is crossed with the same player's move
bool columnCrossed(char board[][SIDE]) {
    for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
        if (board[0][i] == board[1][i] && board[1][i] == board[2][i] && board[0][i] != ' ')
            return true;
    return false;

// Function to check if any diagonal is crossed with the same player's move
bool diagonalCrossed(char board[][SIDE]) {
    if (board[0][0] == board[1][1] && board[1][1] == board[2][2] && board[0][0] != ' ')
        return true;
    if (board[0][2] == board[1][1] && board[1][1] == board[2][0] && board[0][2] != ' ')
        return true;
    return false;

// Function to check if the game is over
bool gameOver(char board[][SIDE]) {
    return (rowCrossed(board) || columnCrossed(board) || diagonalCrossed(board));

// Function to play Tic-Tac-Toe
void playTicTacToe(int whoseTurn) {
    char board[SIDE][SIDE];
    int moves[SIDE * SIDE];
    initialise(board, moves);
    int moveIndex = 0, x, y;
    while (gameOver(board) == false && moveIndex != SIDE * SIDE) {
        if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER) {
            x = moves[moveIndex] / SIDE;
            y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;
            board[x][y] = COMPUTERMOVE;
            cout << "COMPUTER has put a " << COMPUTERMOVE << " in cell " << moves[moveIndex] + 1 << endl;
            whoseTurn = HUMAN;
        } else if (whoseTurn == HUMAN) {
            x = moves[moveIndex] / SIDE;
            y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;
            board[x][y] = HUMANMOVE;
            cout << "HUMAN has put a " << HUMANMOVE << " in cell " << moves[moveIndex] + 1 << endl;
            whoseTurn = COMPUTER;
    if (gameOver(board) == false && moveIndex == SIDE * SIDE)
        cout << "It's a draw" << endl;
    else {
        if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)
            whoseTurn = HUMAN;
        else if (whoseTurn == HUMAN)
            whoseTurn = COMPUTER;

// Driver program
int main() {
    return 0;
public class TicTacToe {
    private static final int COMPUTER = 1;
    private static final int HUMAN = 2;
    private static final int SIDE = 3; // Length of the board

    // Computer will move with 'O' and human with 'X'
    private static final char COMPUTERMOVE = 'O';
    private static final char HUMANMOVE = 'X';

    private char[][] board = new char[SIDE][SIDE];
    private int[] moves = new int[SIDE * SIDE];

    // Function to show the current board status
    private void showBoard() {
        System.out.println("\n\t\t\t  " + board[0][0] + " | " + board[0][1] + " | " + board[0][2]);
        System.out.println("\t\t\t  " + board[1][0] + " | " + board[1][1] + " | " + board[1][2]);
        System.out.println("\t\t\t  " + board[2][0] + " | " + board[2][1] + " | " + board[2][2] + "\n");

    // Function to show the instructions
    private void showInstructions() {
        System.out.println("\t\t\t  Tic-Tac-Toe\n");
        System.out.println("Choose a cell numbered from 1 to 9 as below and play\n");
        System.out.println("\t\t\t  1 | 2 | 3");
        System.out.println("\t\t\t  4 | 5 | 6");
        System.out.println("\t\t\t  7 | 8 | 9\n");

    // Function to initialise the game
    private void initialise() {
        for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < SIDE; j++)
                board[i][j] = ' ';
        for (int i = 0; i < SIDE * SIDE; i++)
            moves[i] = i;
        // Shuffling moves

    // Function to declare the winner of the game
    private void declareWinner(int whoseTurn) {
        if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)
            System.out.println("COMPUTER has won");
            System.out.println("HUMAN has won");

    // Function to check if any row is crossed with the same player's move
    private boolean rowCrossed() {
        for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
            if (board[i][0] == board[i][1] && board[i][1] == board[i][2] && board[i][0] != ' ')
                return true;
        return false;

    // Function to check if any column is crossed with the same player's move
    private boolean columnCrossed() {
        for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
            if (board[0][i] == board[1][i] && board[1][i] == board[2][i] && board[0][i] != ' ')
                return true;
        return false;

    // Function to check if any diagonal is crossed with the same player's move
    private boolean diagonalCrossed() {
        if (board[0][0] == board[1][1] && board[1][1] == board[2][2] && board[0][0] != ' ')
            return true;
        if (board[0][2] == board[1][1] && board[1][1] == board[2][0] && board[0][2] != ' ')
            return true;
        return false;

    // Function to check if the game is over
    private boolean gameOver() {
        return (rowCrossed() || columnCrossed() || diagonalCrossed());

    // Function to play Tic-Tac-Toe
    public void playTicTacToe(int whoseTurn) {
        int moveIndex = 0, x, y;
        while (!gameOver() && moveIndex != SIDE * SIDE) {
            if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER) {
                x = moves[moveIndex] / SIDE;
                y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;
                board[x][y] = COMPUTERMOVE;
                System.out.println("COMPUTER has put a " + COMPUTERMOVE + " in cell " + (moves[moveIndex] + 1));
                whoseTurn = HUMAN;
            } else if (whoseTurn == HUMAN) {
                x = moves[moveIndex] / SIDE;
                y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;
                board[x][y] = HUMANMOVE;
                System.out.println("HUMAN has put a " + HUMANMOVE + " in cell " + (moves[moveIndex] + 1));
                whoseTurn = COMPUTER;
        if (!gameOver() && moveIndex == SIDE * SIDE)
            System.out.println("It's a draw");
        else {
            if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)
                whoseTurn = HUMAN;
            else if (whoseTurn == HUMAN)
                whoseTurn = COMPUTER;

    // Driver program
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TicTacToe game = new TicTacToe();
import random
import time

# Constants for the game
SIDE = 3

# Function to initialise the game / Tic-Tac-Toe board
def initialise():
    board = [[' ' for _ in range(SIDE)] for _ in range(SIDE)]
    moves = [i for i in range(SIDE*SIDE)]
    return board, moves

# Function to print the Tic-Tac-Toe board
def showBoard(board):
    print("\t\t\t  {} | {}  | {}  ".format(board[0][0], board[0][1], board[0][2]))
    print("\t\t\t  {} | {}  | {}  ".format(board[1][0], board[1][1], board[1][2]))
    print("\t\t\t  {} | {}  | {}  \n\n".format(board[2][0], board[2][1], board[2][2]))

# Function to show the instructions
def showInstructions():
    print("\t\t\t  Tic-Tac-Toe\n\n")
    print("Choose a cell numbered from 1 to 9 as below and play\n\n")
    print("\t\t\t  1 | 2  | 3  ")
    print("\t\t\t  4 | 5  | 6  ")
    print("\t\t\t  7 | 8  | 9  \n\n")

# Function to declare the winner of the game
def declareWinner(whoseTurn):
    if whoseTurn == COMPUTER:
        print("COMPUTER has won")
        print("HUMAN has won")

# Functions to check if any of the rows, columns, or diagonals have been crossed
def rowCrossed(board):
    for i in range(SIDE):
        if board[i][0] == board[i][1] and board[i][1] == board[i][2] and board[i][0] != ' ':
            return True
    return False

def columnCrossed(board):
    for i in range(SIDE):
        if board[0][i] == board[1][i] and board[1][i] == board[2][i] and board[0][i] != ' ':
            return True
    return False

def diagonalCrossed(board):
    if board[0][0] == board[1][1] and board[1][1] == board[2][2] and board[0][0] != ' ':
        return True
    if board[0][2] == board[1][1] and board[1][1] == board[2][0] and board[0][2] != ' ':
        return True
    return False

# Function to check if the game is over
def gameOver(board):
    return rowCrossed(board) or columnCrossed(board) or diagonalCrossed(board)

# Function to play Tic-Tac-Toe
def playTicTacToe(whoseTurn):
    board, moves = initialise()
    moveIndex = 0
    while not gameOver(board) and moveIndex != SIDE*SIDE:
        if whoseTurn == COMPUTER:
            x = moves[moveIndex] // SIDE
            y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE
            board[x][y] = COMPUTERMOVE
            print("COMPUTER has put a {} in cell {}".format(COMPUTERMOVE, moves[moveIndex]+1))
            moveIndex += 1
            whoseTurn = HUMAN
        elif whoseTurn == HUMAN:
            x = moves[moveIndex] // SIDE
            y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE
            board[x][y] = HUMANMOVE
            print("HUMAN has put a {} in cell {}".format(HUMANMOVE, moves[moveIndex]+1))
            moveIndex += 1
            whoseTurn = COMPUTER
    if not gameOver(board) and moveIndex == SIDE*SIDE:
        print("It's a draw")
        if whoseTurn == COMPUTER:
            whoseTurn = HUMAN
        elif whoseTurn == HUMAN:
            whoseTurn = COMPUTER

# Driver function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Let us play the game with COMPUTER starting first
const COMPUTER = 1;
const HUMAN = 2;
const SIDE = 3; // Length of the board

// Computer will move with 'O' and human with 'X'
const HUMANMOVE = 'X';

// Function to show the current board status
function showBoard(board) {
    console.log(`\n\t\t\t  ${board[0][0]} | ${board[0][1]} | ${board[0][2]}`);
    console.log(`\t\t\t  ${board[1][0]} | ${board[1][1]} | ${board[1][2]}`);
    console.log(`\t\t\t  ${board[2][0]} | ${board[2][1]} | ${board[2][2]}\n`);

// Function to show the instructions
function showInstructions() {
    console.log("\t\t\t  Tic-Tac-Toe\n");
    console.log("Choose a cell numbered from 1 to 9 as below and play\n");
    console.log("\t\t\t  1 | 2 | 3");
    console.log("\t\t\t  4 | 5 | 6");
    console.log("\t\t\t  7 | 8 | 9\n");

// Function to initialise the game
function initialise(board, moves) {
    for (let i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
        board[i] = [];
        for (let j = 0; j < SIDE; j++)
            board[i][j] = ' ';
    for (let i = 0; i < SIDE * SIDE; i++)
        moves[i] = i;
    // Shuffling moves
    moves.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);

// Function to declare the winner of the game
function declareWinner(whoseTurn) {
    if (whoseTurn === COMPUTER)
        console.log("COMPUTER has won");
        console.log("HUMAN has won");

// Function to check if any row is crossed with the same player's move
function rowCrossed(board) {
    for (let i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
        if (board[i][0] === board[i][1] && board[i][1] === board[i][2] && board[i][0] !== ' ')
            return true;
    return false;

// Function to check if any column is crossed with the same player's move
function columnCrossed(board) {
    for (let i = 0; i < SIDE; i++) {
        if (board[0][i] === board[1][i] && board[1][i] === board[2][i] && board[0][i] !== ' ')
            return true;
    return false;

// Function to check if any diagonal is crossed with the same player's move
function diagonalCrossed(board) {
    if (board[0][0] === board[1][1] && board[1][1] === board[2][2] && board[0][0] !== ' ')
        return true;
    if (board[0][2] === board[1][1] && board[1][1] === board[2][0] && board[0][2] !== ' ')
        return true;
    return false;

// Function to check if the game is over
function gameOver(board) {
    return (rowCrossed(board) || columnCrossed(board) || diagonalCrossed(board));

// Function to play Tic-Tac-Toe
function playTicTacToe(whoseTurn) {
    const board = [];
    const moves = Array.from({length: SIDE * SIDE});
    initialise(board, moves);
    let moveIndex = 0, x, y;
    while (!gameOver(board) && moveIndex !== SIDE * SIDE) {
        if (whoseTurn === COMPUTER) {
            x = Math.floor(moves[moveIndex] / SIDE);
            y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;
            board[x][y] = COMPUTERMOVE;
            console.log(`COMPUTER has put a ${COMPUTERMOVE} in cell ${moves[moveIndex] + 1}`);
            whoseTurn = HUMAN;
        } else if (whoseTurn === HUMAN) {
            x = Math.floor(moves[moveIndex] / SIDE);
            y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;
            board[x][y] = HUMANMOVE;
            console.log(`HUMAN has put a ${HUMANMOVE} in cell ${moves[moveIndex] + 1}`);
            whoseTurn = COMPUTER;
    if (!gameOver(board) && moveIndex === SIDE * SIDE)
        console.log("It's a draw");
    else {
        if (whoseTurn === COMPUTER)
            whoseTurn = HUMAN;
        else if (whoseTurn === HUMAN)
            whoseTurn = COMPUTER;

// Driver program

Choose a cell numbered from 1 to 9 as below and play

1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9

- - - - - - - - - -

COMPUTER has put a O in cell 6

| |
| | O
| |

HUMAN has put a X in cell 7

| |
| | O
X | |

COMPUTER has put a O in cell 5

| |
| O | O
X | |

HUMAN has put a X in cell 1

X | |
| O | O
X | |

COMPUTER has put a O in cell 9

X | |
| O | O
X | | O

HUMAN has put a X in cell 8

X | |
| O | O
X | X | O

COMPUTER has put a O in cell 4

X | |
O | O | O
X | X | O

COMPUTER has won

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