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HTTP headers | From

The HTTP From header is request type header it indicates an e-mail address that is sent to the client through a robotic agent. The agent will be a crawler or a user robotic agent which is run by the main user. The header field contains an Internet e-mail address for a user or a client who is requesting a user agent. The main advantage is that if the robotic agent sends an unwanted request to the client, then the main user can be contacted. The From header filed can have many purposes like logging and also as an investigator to know about the origin of excessive requests. The e-mail address used in From header should be different from Host header due to security purposes. 


From: <email>

Directives: This header accept a single directive as mentioned above and described below

Note: Prefer to not use it for Authentication or validation process Examples: 



Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by  HTTP Form Header are listed below: 

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