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HTML <th> bgcolor Attribute

The bgcolor attribute in the HTML <th> (table header) tag is used to set the background color of a table header cell. You can specify colors using color names, hexadecimal codes, or RGB values.

Note: It is not supported by HTML5.


<th bgcolor="color_name | hex_number | rgb_number">

Attribute Values:

Attribute Values



It sets the background color by using the color name. For example “red”.


It sets the background color by using the color hex code. For example “#0000ff”.


It sets the background color by using the rgb code. For example: “RGB(0, 153, 0)” .

Example 1: Implementation of HTML the tag bgcolor attribute

<!DOCTYPE html>
    HTML th bgcolor Attribute
    <h2>HTML th bgcolor Attribute</h2>
    <table width="500" border="1">
            <th bgcolor="green">Name</th>
            <th bgcolor="yellow">Expenses</th>


Example 2: Implementation of HTML the tag bgcolor attribute

<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML th bgcolor Attribute
    <h2>HTML th bgcolor Attribute</h2>
    <table width="500" border="1">
            <!-- Using Hex Number -->
            <th bgcolor="#00FF00">Name</th>
            <!-- Using RGB Number -->
            <th bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 0)">Expenses</th>


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