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HTML | Mapping Image

What is image mapping :
In image mapping an image is specified with certain set of coordinates inside the image which act as hyperlink areas to different destinations. It is different from an image link since in image linking, an image can be used to serve a single link or destination whereas in a mapped image, different coordinates of the image can serve different links or destinations.

Elements required in Mapping an Image :

There are three basic html elements which are required for creating a mapped image.

  1. Map : It is used to create a map of the image with clickable areas.
  2. Image : It is used for the image source on which mapping is done.
  3. Area : It is used within the map for defining clickable areas.

Steps to create a mapped image :

Put all the above steps together as done in the code below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>Mapping an Image
<p>Click on the different continents of the map to know about them.</p>
<img src="world-map-151576_960_720.png" width="960" height="492"
                                alt="World Map" usemap="#worldmap">
<map name="worldmap">
<area shape="rect" coords="184, 36, 272, 158" alt="north america"
<area shape="rect" coords="282, 215, 354, 367" alt="south america" 
<area shape="rect" coords="506, 151, 570, 333" alt="africa"
<area shape="rect" coords="618, 42, 791, 162" alt="asia"
<area shape="rect" coords="509, 44, 593, 110" alt="europe"
<area shape="rect" coords="786, 288, 862, 341" alt="australia" 
<area shape="rect" coords="249, 463, 760, 488" alt="antartica"

Output :

Image source :

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