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HTML <font> size Attribute

The HTML <font> size Attribute is used to specify the size of text that is present inside <font> element. By applying this attribute to specific text elements, you can easily modify the font size, ensuring simplicity and direct control.

Note: The <font> size attribute is not supported by HTML5.


<font size="number">

Attribute Values:

It contains a single value number that specifies the size of the text. The font size lies between 1 to 7. The default value of font size is 3.

Example 1: This example illustrates the use of the font size property whose value ranges from 1 to 7 in HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML font size Attribute</title>
    <font size="1">GeeksforGeeks!</font><br />
    <font size="2">GeeksforGeeks!</font><br />
    <font size="3">GeeksforGeeks!</font><br />
    <font size="4">GeeksforGeeks!</font><br />
    <font size="5">GeeksforGeeks!</font><br />
    <font size="6">GeeksforGeeks!</font><br />
    <font size="7">GeeksforGeeks!</font>


<font> size attribute

Example 2: This example illustrates the use of the size attribute inside the <font> tag in HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML font size Attribute</title>
    <font size="7" face="verdana" color="green">
    <font size="6" face="arial" color="#008000">
    <font size="5" face="sans-serif" color="rgb(128, 128, 0)">
    <font size="4" face="times new roman" color="#008000">


tag with different color, type & size attribute

Example 3: In this example, we have used the font size attribute & set it to different values in order to display similar to the use of HTML heading & paragraph.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <font size="6" face="sans-serif" color="green">
    <font size="3" face="Comic sans MS">
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tag with different face & size attribute

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