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HTML Emojis

HTML emojis refer to graphical representations of emotions, objects, symbols, and more. It can be displayed using Unicode characters or emoji entities within HTML documents. They add visual context and enhance communication on web pages, emails, and messaging platforms.

The <meta charset=”UTF-8″> element defines the character set. Unreachable UTF-8 characters displayed with entity numbers starting with &# and ending with ; .


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <p>&#number;</p>     <!--number corresponding to UTF-8 character -->

Emojis are also characters from the UTF-8 alphabet and can be used in HTML by mentioning the corresponding emoji, decimal (dec) or hexadecimal (hex) reference in the above syntax.

HTML Emojis Examples

1. HTML Emojis using Unicode Decimal reference

HTML Emojis are represented using Unicode decimal references like &#128516; to display emojis, enabling the rendering of various symbols and icons in web content.

Example 1: Represent the following emoji in a webpage.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML Emojis Example</title>
    <h1>HTML Emojis Example</h1>
      😄 This is a smiling face with open mouth
                and smiling eyes emoji
    <p>✌ This is a victory hand emoji</p>
    <p>⌚ This is a watch emoji</p>


HTML Emoji


Char Decimal reference Hexadecimal reference
😄 128516 1F604
9996 270C
🕞 128350 1F55E

2. HTML Emojis using Unicode hexadecimal reference

HTML Emojis are displayed using Unicode hexadecimal references like &#x1F604;, allowing the inclusion of diverse symbols and icons in web content.



Example 2: In this example, we will represent 😄, ✌ and 🕞 emoji in a webpage with hexadecimal(hex) reference.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML Emojis Example</title>
    <h1>HTML Emojis Example using Unicode hexadecimal </h1>
      😄 This is a smiling face with open mouth
                and smiling eyes emoji
    <p>✌ This is a victory hand emoji</p>
    <p>⌚ This is a watch emoji</p>


HTML Emojis using Unicode hexadecimal


Note: Since Emojis are characters, they can be copied, displayed and sized just like any other character in HTML. 

Example 3: In this example, we will change the font size of the following emojis.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML Emojis Example</title>
        .large {
            font-size: 2em; /* Increase font size */
    <h1>HTML Emojis Example</h1>
    <h3>Transport symbols</h3>
        🚂 Train   
        <span class="large">🛥</span> Tram 
     <h3>Office emojis</h3>
        🏢 Office Building   
        <span class="large">💼</span> Laptop
    <h3>People emojis</h3>
        👨 Man   
        <span class="large">👩</span> Woman 
    <h3>People emojis</h3>
        🐶 Dog   
        <span class="large">🦁</span> Lion 

Output: The output contains the different sizes of emojis.

Html Emoji Example


HTML Emojis Use Cases

1. How to add emoji in HTML document ?

To add emojis in an HTML document, use Unicode hexadecimal references or decimal references within the content, using “&#x” followed by the emoji code for hexadecimal, or “&#NNNN” for decimal.

2. Create a Emoji Generator Using HTML CSS & JavaScript

Create an Emoji Generator by allowing users to select emojis from a list or input field, using HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity and functionality.

3. Text to Emoji Translator using HTML CSS and JavaScript

Build a Text to Emoji Translator where users input text and receive corresponding emojis, employing HTML for layout, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for text-to-emoji conversion and interaction.

4. How to apply emoji hex code in list-style type to create custom list point ?

To apply emoji hex code in list-style type for custom list points, use CSS `list-style-type` property with the Unicode hexadecimal value of the desired emoji, like `list-style-type: ‘\1F603’;`.

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