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HTML DOM TokenList.remove() Method

The TokenList.remove() Method in HTML DOM is used to remove the particular nodes or tokens from a NodeList. It is an in-built method of TokenList Object. 


remove(token, token);
remove(token, token, token);

Parameter Values: It contains a string value that represents the name of the token that you want to remove from the Token List. 

Return Value: This method does not return any value. 

Example: Below HTML code illustrates the use of the token list. remove() Method in HTML DOM. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        .geek {
            background-color: green;
            font-size: 50px;
        <h2 id="gfg" class="geek">
            HTML DOM TokenList remove() Method
        <button onclick="myGeek()"> Submit </button>
        function myGeek() {
            var elem = document.getElementById("gfg");
            // removing class from div element


TokenList.remove() Method in HTML DOM

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