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HTML | DOM Style width Property

The Style width property in HTML DOM is used to set or return the width of an element which can be block-level elements or elements with fixed position. 

Syntax: = "auto|length|%|initial|inherit"

Property Value Description

Return Value: A String, representing the width of an element. 

Example 1: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        #GfG {
            width: 100px;
            height: 100px;
            background-color: green;
            color: white;
    <p>HTML|DOM Style Width Property:</p>
    <button onclick="myFunction()">Click here!</button>
    <div id="GfG">
        function myFunction() {
            .style.width = "500px";


Example 2: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h2>HTML|DOM Style Width Property:</h2>
    <button type="button" id="myBtn"
            onclick="myFunction()">Click Here!</button>
        function myFunction() {
            .style.width = "500px";


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM style width property are listed below:

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