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HTML | DOM Style tabSize Property

The Style tabSize property in HTML DOM is used to set or return the length of the space used in place of the tab character.

Syntax: = "number|length|initial|inherit"

Property Values

Example 1: Using “number” property. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
      DOM Style tabSize Property
    <h1 style="color: green">
      DOM Style tabSize Property
      The tabSize property specifies
      the amount of space to be used
      for the tab character.
    <pre id="ts">
     Geeks    For    Geeks
    <button onclick="GFG()">
        function GFG() {
            ele = document.getElementById("ts");
   = "16"




Example 2: Using “initial” property. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
      DOM Style tabSize Property
      #ts {
          tab-size: 16;
    <h1 style="color: green">
    <b>DOM Style tabSize Property</b>
      The tabSize property specifies
      the amount of space to be used
      for the tab character.
    <pre id="ts">
      Geeks        For        Geeks
    <button onclick="GFG()">Change</button>
        function GFG() {
            ele = document.getElementById("ts");
   = "initial"




Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM Style tabSize Property are listed below:

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