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HTML DOM keyboardEvent charCode Property

The keyboardEvent charCode property in HTML is used to return the unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event. It is a read-only property. The unicode character denotes the number of a character(e.g. the unicode for “A” is 65). 



Note: This property has been DEPRECATED and is no longer recommended.

Return Value: It returns a number that represents the unicode number of the pressed character. 

Example: In this example,we will use the keyboardEvent charCode.

    <title>keyboardEvent charCode Property</title>
<body style="text-align: center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">
        keyboardEvent charCode Property
    </h2> Input:
    <input type="text" placeholder="Press any key..">
    <p id="p"></p>
        // Adding a event listener function
        window.addEventListener("keypress", function (event) {
            let code = event.charCode;
            // Creating a span element
            let element = document.createElement("span");
            element.innerHTML = "Unicode value: " + code + "<br/>";
            // Appending span element to the paragraph
        }, true);



 Supported Browsers: The browser supported by keyboardEvent charCode property are listed below:

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