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HTML | DOM Input Range stepDown() Method

The DOM Input Range stepDown() method in HTML DOM is used to decrease the value of the slider control by the given number. Syntax:


Parameters: It accepts a single and required parameter:

Return Value: It doesn’t return any value. 

Example: This example shows the working of stepDown() method

<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM Input Range stepDown() Method
<body style="text-align:center;">
      DOM Input Range stepDown() Method
    <form id="myGeeks">
        <input type="range"
    <button onclick="myGeeks()">
      Click Here!
    <!-- Script to decrement the range -->
        function myGeeks() {


Before clicking on the button:


After clicking on the button ( 10 times ):


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM input Range stepDown() method are listed below:

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