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HTML | <area> rel Attribute

The <area> rel attribute is used to specify the relationship between the current and the linked document. It is used only when href attribute present.


<area rel="value">

Attribute Values:  

Note: The <area> rel attribute is new in HTML 5.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML area rel Attribute
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <img src=
        alt="" width="300" height="119" class="aligncenter"
        usemap="#shapemap" />
    <map name="shapemap">
        <!-- area tag contained image. -->
        <area shape="poly" coords="59, 31, 28, 83, 91, 83"
            alt="Triangle" rel="alternate">
        <area shape="circle" coords="155, 56, 26"
            alt="Circle" rel="alternate">
        <area shape="rect" coords="224, 30, 276, 82"
            alt="Square" rel="alternate">


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by HTML <area> rel Attribute are listed below:  


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