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How to store Python functions in a Sqlite table?

SQLite is a relational database system contained in a C library that works over syntax very much similar to SQL. It can be fused with Python with the help of the sqlite3 module. The Python Standard Library sqlite3 was developed by Gerhard Häring. It delivers an SQL interface compliant with the DB-API 2.0 specification described by PEP 249. 

To use this module and establish the connection with database:- 

      1. Import sqlite3 module and create the object representing the database.

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('function.db')

       2. To execute SQL commands, construct a cursor object and call the execute() method.

c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE student
             (Number REAL,stud_name TEXT)''')

Note: In Order to track the operations on a database level we need to download the SQLite browser database.

Steps to store Python function in SQLite table: 

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('function.db')

Here we have imported sqlite3 module, and We have initialized the database function.db. This instruction will create the database if the database doesn’t exist and if the database having the same name as defined exist than it will move further. 

c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE pyfuction
             (func_defination TEXT)''')

After initializing the database we have to create the cursor object using conn.cursor(). The cursor allows us to execute the SQL commands.

code = """ def gfg(): print("GeeksforGeeks") """

Since we have to store the function definition inside the table, we have to write function in the above syntax. 

c.execute("INSERT INTO pyfuction (func_defination) VALUES (?)",

The SQL command “INSERT INTO pyfuction (func_defination) VALUES (?)”, (code) inserts the value of variable code inside the table pyfunction in the form of text. Then use the commit() method to save the changes.

Below are some examples store Python functions in a Sqlite table?

Example 1: Storing gfg() function in sqlite table named pyfunction.

# Importing required library
import sqlite3
# Initializing the database
conn = sqlite3.connect('function.db')
# Creating cursor object
c = conn.cursor()
# Creating table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE pyfuction
             (func_defination TEXT)''')
# Storing a python function in the Sqlite table
code = """ def gfg(): print("GeeksforGeeks")"""
c.execute("INSERT INTO pyfuction (func_defination) VALUES (?)",
# Terminating the transaction


Example 2: Here is another example of storing a function named add() in the pyfunction table.

# Importing required library
import sqlite3
# Initializing the database
conn = sqlite3.connect('function.db')
# Creating cursor object
c = conn.cursor()
# Creating table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE pyfuction
             (func_defination TEXT)''')
# Storing a python function in the Sqlite table
code = """ def add(): print((10+20)/2)"""
c.execute("INSERT INTO pyfuction (func_defination) VALUES (?)",
# Displaying Content of the table
c.execute("SELECT * FROM pyfuction;")
# Terminating the transaction


Example 3: Storing two functions, maximum() and gfg() in pyfunction table.

# Importing required library
import sqlite3
# Initializing the database
conn = sqlite3.connect('function.db')
# Creating cursor object
c = conn.cursor()
# Creating table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE pyfuction
             (func_defination TEXT)''')
# Storing a python function in the Sqlite table
def1 = """ def maximum(): print(max(2,5))"""
c.execute("INSERT INTO pyfuction (func_defination) VALUES (?)",
# Storing another python function in the Sqlite table
def2 = """ def gfg(): print("GeeksforGeeks")"""
c.execute("INSERT INTO pyfuction (func_defination) VALUES (?)",
# Displaying Content of the table
c.execute("SELECT * FROM pyfuction;")
# Terminating the transaction


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