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How to Store Metadata in Database?

Answer: Store metadata in a database by using dedicated tables, column annotations, system tables/views, extended properties, etc.

Metadata Tables

Create dedicated tables within the database to store metadata. Each table can represent a specific type of metadata, such as information about tables, columns, or relationships.

Column Annotations

Utilize comments or annotations at the column level to store metadata about specific attributes, data types, or constraints. This information is often accessible through database management tools.

System Tables or Views

Many database management systems provide system tables or views that store metadata. Querying these tables allows access to information about the database schema, indexes, and other properties.

Extended Properties

Some databases support the concept of extended properties, allowing you to associate additional information with database objects. This can include descriptions, tags, or custom attributes.

Data Dictionaries

Establish a data dictionary, a centralized repository storing metadata definitions for various database elements. This can include information about tables, columns, relationships, and other database components.

External Metadata Repository

For more complex metadata management, consider using an external metadata repository or tool that integrates with the database. This can provide a comprehensive solution for storing and managing metadata across different databases and systems.

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