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How to Sort React-Bootstrap Table Component ?

React-Bootstrap Table component is used to represent the data in a structured and tabular form. In many cases, the data represented in the table is on a large scale, so we need to sort them in some order. Sorting in Bootstrap Table consists of the functionality to allow the users to reorder the actual rows and their values in one or more columns. We can sort individual columns and also multiple columns. In this article, we will see how we can sort react-bootstrap Table Components in Ascending and Descending order.


Creating React Application and installing React-Bootstrap

npx create-react-app sort-table
cd sort-table
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap react-icons
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

Project Structure




import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Table } from "react-bootstrap";
import { FaArrowUp, FaArrowDown } from "react-icons/fa";
const tabData = [
    { id: 1, name: "Geek1", age: 30 },
    { id: 2, name: "Geek2", age: 25 },
    { id: 3, name: "Geek3", age: 35 },
    { id: 4, name: "Geek4", age: 28 },
    { id: 5, name: "Geek5", age: 22 },
    { id: 6, name: "Geek6", age: 40 }
function App() {
    const [data, setData] = useState(tabData);
    const [sort_Age, set_Sort_Age] = useState("age");
    const [sort_Order, set_Sort_Order] = useState("asc");
    const [sort_Msg, set_Sort_Msg] = useState("");
    const sortFunction = (f) => {
        if (f === "age") {
            if (sort_Age === "age") {
                set_Sort_Order(sort_Order === "asc" ? "desc" : "asc");
                    `Table is Sorted in ${sort_Order === 
                        "asc" ? "Ascending" : "Descending"
                    } Order`
            } else {
                set_Sort_Msg(`Table is Sorted in Descending Order`);
        } else {
            set_Sort_Msg("Sorting is disabled for this column");
        const sorted = [].sort((a, b) => {
            const multi = sort_Order === "asc" ? 1 : -1;
            return multi * (a["age"] - b["age"]);
    return (
        <div className="App">
            <h1 style={{ color: "green" }}>GeeksforGeeks</h1>
            <h3>Ascending and Descending Example 1</h3>
            <Table striped bordered hover>
                        <th onClick={() => sortFunction("age")}>
                            Age{" "}
                            {sort_Age === "age" &&
                                (sort_Order === "asc"
                                    <FaArrowUp /> : <FaArrowDown />)}
                    { => (
                        <tr key={}>
export default App;

Steps to Run the Application

npm start

Output: Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/, you will see the following output

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