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How to solve CSS semi-colon expected warnings ?

CSS is a powerful tool for styling web pages, but it can be easy to make mistakes when writing code. One common error that can result in warnings is forgetting to add semi-colons at the end of each line of CSS code. This warning is known as “semi-colon expected” and can be easily fixed by following some simple steps.

In CSS, semi-colons are used to separate each rule from the next. 


selector {
    property: value;

In this example, the ‘selector’ is the HTML element or class that you want to style. The property is the CSS property that you want to set, and the value is the property value. Each rule should end with a semi-colon to indicate the end of that line of code.

There are a few different approaches that you can take to solve the “semi-colon expected” warning in CSS:

Here are two examples of how to fix the “semi-colon expected” warning in CSS:

Example 1: 

.button {
      background-color: blue
      color: white;
      padding: 10px;

In this example, the warning is caused by the missing semi-colon after the ‘background-color’ property. To fix this, simply add a semi-colon after ‘blue’, and others property values.

.button {
      background-color: blue;
      color: white;
      padding: 10px;

Example 2: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        h1 {
            color: green
            background-color: lavender;

In this example, the ‘h1’ element has a CSS rule that sets the ‘color‘ and ‘background-color’ properties. However, there is a missing semi-colon after the color property. This will result in a “semi-colon expected” warning.



To fix this, we simply need to add a semi-colon after the ‘color property, like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        h1 {
            color: green;
            background-color: lavender;



By following these simple steps, you can quickly and easily fix any “semi-colon expected” warnings in your CSS code. Remember to always double-check your code for errors and use tools like linting and preprocessors to make your coding process more efficient.

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