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How To Setup AWS Xray Tracing Setup Or Django Application ?

AWS X-Ray provides powerful tracing capabilities, allowing you to gain insights into your application’s performance, identify bottlenecks in your app, and troubleshoot issues effectively so that you can optimize your application performance.

This article will take you on a step-by-step guide to set up xray-tracing on your Django application, we’ll guide you from installing, and configuring, and also we’ll show where & how to analyze the traces.

What Is AWS Xray Tracing?

AWS X-Ray is a service that collects data about requests that your application serves, every request will be recorded either you using the GET, POST, or PUT method, and provides various tools that you can use to view, and filter. For any traced request to your application, you can see detailed information not only about the request and response, but also about calls that your application makes to downstream AWS resources like RDS, DynamoDB, etc, also in microservices, databases, and web APIs.

AWS X-Ray offers a comprehensive solution for visualizing and analyzing request traces across your entire application. It captures details like service calls, database interactions, and API invocations, enabling you to identify latency issues and optimize application performance with ease.

In this article we gonna discuss how to configure AWS Xray for your Django Application, enabling code profiling at ease. Assuming you’ve already deployed your Django application in AWS Lambda, if not follow this guide, How to Deploy Django Application in AWS Lambda?

Why X-Ray For Django Apps?

The following are reasons for using X-Ray Tracing for Django Applications:

Django-Xray Tracing Setup: A Step-By-Step Guide

To configure the AWS Xray for your Django Application follow the below steps:

Step 1: Installation Of AWS Xray

pip install aws_xray_sdk

Step 2: Configure AWS X-Ray In Django Settings


Step 3: Configure Xray

'AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME': 'my-application',
"version": 1,
"rules": [
"description": "GraphQL APIs",
"service_name": "*",
"http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/graphql",
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.01
"default": {
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.01

Step 4: Instrument Function Calls (Optional)

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

def my_function():

Step 5: Enable Xray Tracing At Lambda Function Level

Method 1: Enable XRay-Tracing Manually

Method 2: Using Zappa Configuration

"alpha": {
"project_name": "my-project",
"xray_tracing": true

Step 6: View Traces And Analyze Data


By employing X-Ray tracing for your Django application, you gain valuable insights into requests, helps in debugging issues, black sheep behind high latencies, improving performance management, efficiency, and ultimately, user experience.

AWS Xray Tracing And Django Applications – FAQ’s

Does X-ray Impact Performance?

X-Ray adds minimal overhead, but extensive tracing can have a small impact. Use sampling to optimize.

Why X-ray For Django?

Improves debugging by visualizing request lifecycles, Makes error handling faster by correlating errors with requests, Optimizes costs by identifying underutilized AWS resources.

How Does Middleware Help?

Injects tracing headers & flushes trace data to X-Ray automatically, Add aws_xray_sdk.ext.django.middleware.XRayMiddleware to your Django settings

Does X-ray Covers All Modules?

No, as of now Xray covers only few modules, you might observer that for few packages traces will not be shown.

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