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How To Schedule and Send Emails in Google Spreadsheet?

Sometimes we get the work of sending emails to a list of emails, so, they can receive the email together at a specific time, and for this work, we can use Google Spreadsheet to schedule our emails for a particular date and time.    

We can use a script in Google Sheets to schedule sending as many email messages as we like. To do so follow the below steps:

Step1: Go to and click New, then Google Sheets.

Step2: Enter email addresses in the first column and the message body in the third column, so there is one email in each row – address, subject, and body.

Step 3: Go to Tools, ‘Script editor’ and replace what’s there with the following:

function SendIt() {
   var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
   var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
   for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
       MailApp.sendEmail(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]);

Step 4: Click the Save icon, Enter a new project name in the box and click on OK.

Step 5: Select Edit, then ‘Current project’s triggers’, from the drop-down menu.  

Step 6: We will get redirected to the Google App Script page, click Add Trigger in the lower right corner of the page. 

Step 7: We have to Set the ‘Event source’ to ‘Time drive’ and ‘Select type of time-based trigger’ to ‘Specific date and time’. Enter the specific time and date to send the emails, such as 2020-08-14 14:30, and click Save

Several security messages and warnings appear asking if we trust the developer to access your email account we just have to click through them to authorize the script. And if we want, we can change the messages of the spreadsheet or we can also do additional changes like adding a new email list or deleting the old one.  

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