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How To Save The Network In XML File Using PyBrain

In this article, we are going to see how to save the network in an XML file using PyBrain in Python.

A network consists of several modules. These modules are generally connected with connections. PyBrain provides programmers with the support of neural networks. A network can be interpreted as an acyclic directed graph where each module serves the purpose of vertex/node and connections are assumed to edge.

Creating a Network

To create a network, PyBrain provides us with We can import buildNetwork shortcuts from this. The source code is given below,

# Python program to demonstrate how to create a network
# Import libraries
from import buildNetwork
# Creating a network
# This network has two inputs, four hidden
# and one output neuron
myNetwork = buildNetwork(2, 4, 1)




   [<BiasUnit ‘bias’>, <LinearLayer ‘in’>, <SigmoidLayer ‘hidden0’>, <LinearLayer ‘out’>]


   [<FullConnection ‘FullConnection-4’: ‘hidden0’ -> ‘out’>, <FullConnection ‘FullConnection-5’: ‘in’ -> ‘hidden0’>, <FullConnection ‘FullConnection-6’: ‘bias’ -> ‘out’>, <FullConnection ‘FullConnection-7’: ‘bias’ -> ‘hidden0’>]

Saving the created network in an XML file

we can use NetworkWriter library from It provides us writeToFile() function whose syntax is given below,

Syntax: NetworkWriter.writeToFile() 


  • writeToFile(network, xml_file)
  • network: The created network
  • xml_file: The name of the xml file with extension

This function will first create an XML file with the name passed as the parameter to the function and save the created myNetwork in it. 

# Python program for demonstrating how
# to add the created network in an xml file
# Importing library
from import NetworkWriter
# Creating myNetwork.xml file and
# saving the myNetwork into it 

Below is the complete implementation:

As you can see in the output, the myNetwork.XML file is generated by executing the below code. 

# Python program to demonstrate
# how to save a network in an xml file
# Import libraries
from import buildNetwork
from import NetworkWriter
# Creating a network
# This network has two inputs,
# four hidden and one output neuron
myNetwork = buildNetwork(2, 4, 1)
# Creating myNetwork.xml file and
# saving the myNetwork into it
NetworkWriter.writeToFile(myNetwork, 'myNetwork.xml')


myNetwork.xml file:

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