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How to Save a Leaflet Map as a html widget in R

The leaflet is a popular open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps. It allows you to create custom maps with markers, polygons, popups, and other features. In R, you can use the leaflet package to create Leaflet maps and save them as HTML widgets. This can be useful for sharing maps with others, embedding maps in web pages, or integrating maps into interactive documents. Saving a Leaflet map as an HTML widget in R is a simple process that allows you to create interactive maps with custom markers, popups, and other features, and share them with others via HTML files.

Steps on how to save a Leaflet map as an HTML widget in R

To get started, you need to install the leaflet package, as well as the htmlwidgets package, which is used to save the Leaflet map as an HTML widget. Next, you need to create a Leaflet map using the leaflet package. Here is an example:

# Create a map centered on New York City
nyc <- c(40.7128, -74.0060)
m <- leaflet() %>%
  setView(lng = nyc[2], lat = nyc[1],
          zoom = 10) %>%

This code creates a Leaflet map centered on New York City, with zoom level 10 and default tiles. Now that you have created the Leaflet map, you can save it as an HTML widget using the saveWidget function from the htmlwidgets package. Here is an example:

# Save the map as an HTML widget
saveWidget(m, file = "nyc_map.html")

This code saves the Leaflet map as an HTML widget in a file called “nyc_map.html”. You can now open this file in a web browser to see the interactive map. You can customize the Leaflet map by adding markers, polygons, popups, and other features using the leaflet package. Here is an example:

# Add a marker for the Empire State Building
empire_state <- c(40.7484, -73.9857)
m <- m %>%
  addMarkers(lng = empire_state[2],
             lat = empire_state[1],
             popup = "Empire State Building")

This code adds a marker for the Empire State Building to the Leaflet map, with a popup that displays the name of the landmark.

Once you have customized the Leaflet map, you can save it as an HTML widget using the same saveWidget function from the htmlwidgets package. This code saves the customized Leaflet map as an HTML widget in the same file as before. You can now open the file in a web browser to see the interactive map with the marker and popup.

# Save the customized map as an HTML widget
saveWidget(m, file = "nyc_map.html")



The output of running this code will be an HTML file called “nyc_map.html” that contains the interactive Leaflet map of New York City with the marker for the Empire State Building. You can open this file in a web browser to see the map and interact with it by zooming, panning, and clicking on the marker to see the popup. The map should look something like this:

# Create a Leaflet map
m <- leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addMarkers(lng = -71.0596, lat = 42.3581,
             popup = "Boston")
# Save the map as an HTML widget
saveWidget(m, file = "my_map.html")



In this example, we first load the leaflet library and create a basic Leaflet map with the leaflet() function. We add tiles to the map with addTiles() and add a marker at the location of Boston with addMarkers().

To save the map as an HTML widget, we use the saveWidget() function and specify the map object (m) and the file name (my_map.html). The resulting file can be opened in a web browser and the map will be interactive.

# Create a map of London with markers for popular tourist attractions
london_attractions <- data.frame(
  name = c("Tower of London", "Buckingham Palace", "British Museum"),
  lat = c(51.5081, 51.5014, 51.5194),
  lng = c(-0.0767, -0.1419, -0.1269)
m <- leaflet(data = london_attractions) %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addMarkers(popup = ~name)
# Save the map as an HTML widget
saveWidget(m, file = "london_attractions.html")



In this example, we create a map of London with markers for popular tourist attractions using the leaflet package. The map shows the locations of the attractions with markers and a popup that displays the attraction name when the marker is clicked. We use the saveWidget() function from the htmlwidgets package to save the map as an HTML widget. The resulting widget can be opened in a web browser and the map will be interactive.


In conclusion, saving a Leaflet map as an HTML widget in R is a straightforward process that involves creating a Leaflet map with the leaflet package and saving it as an HTML widget with the htmlwidgets package. You can customize the map by adding markers, polygons, popups, and other features, and then save the customized map as an HTML widget using the same saveWidget function. This allows you to share and embed interactive maps in web pages, interactive documents, and other applications.

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