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How to Retrieve only the Queried Element in an Object Array in MongoDB Collection

In MongoDB, retrieving specific elements from an object array within a document is a common requirement, especially when dealing with complex data structures. MongoDB provides powerful query operators to filter and retrieve only the elements that match certain criteria within an array. This capability is particularly useful when we need to extract specific information from deeply nested arrays without retrieving the entire document

In this article, We will learn about How to Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in the MongoDB collection along with the examples in detail and so on.

Understanding Object Arrays in MongoDB

Let’s set up an Environment:

To understand Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection we need a collection and some documents on which we will perform various operations and queries. Here we will consider a collection called orders which contains the information shown below:

_id: ObjectId('60c50f6852124c2e184f0625'),
order_id: '12345',
customer: 'John Doe',
line_items: [
{ product_id: 'P001', quantity: 2, price: 10 },
{ product_id: 'P002', quantity: 1, price: 20 }
_id: ObjectId('60c50f6852124c2e184f0626'),
order_id: '54321',
customer: 'Jane Smith',
line_items: [
{ product_id: 'P003', quantity: 3, price: 15 },
{ product_id: 'P004', quantity: 2, price: 25 }

Querying Specific Elements within Object Arrays

Example 1

Let’s retrieve only the line items where the product quantity exceeds 1 for the order with order_id 12345“:

{ "order_id": "12345", "line_items": { $elemMatch: { "quantity": { $gt: 1 } } } }


_id: ObjectId('60c50f6852124c2e184f0625'),
order_id: '12345',
customer: 'John Doe',
line_items: [
{ product_id: 'P001', quantity: 2, price: 10 },
{ product_id: 'P002', quantity: 1, price: 20 }

Explanation: This MongoDB query searches for documents in the “orders” collection with an “order_id” of “12345” and at least one “line_item” with a “quantity” greater than 1.

Example 2

Now, let’s retrieve only the line items where the product quantity exceeds 1 for the order with order_id “12345”, including only the matched elements from the line_items array:

{ "order_id": "12345", "line_items": { $elemMatch: { "quantity": { $gt: 1 } } } },
{ "_id": 0, "line_items.$": 1 }


{ line_items: [ { product_id: 'P001', quantity: 2, price: 10 } ] }

Explanation: This MongoDB query finds documents in the “orders” collection with an “order_id” of “12345” and returns only the first matching “line_item” with a “quantity” greater than 1, excluding the “_id” field from the output.


Overall, MongoDB’s ability to retrieve specific elements from object arrays within documents is a valuable feature when dealing with complex data structures. By using query operators like $elemMatch, developers can efficiently filter and extract data from nested arrays without needing to retrieve the entire document. This capability simplifies data modeling, improves query performance and enhances the overall efficiency of working with MongoDB collections.

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