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How to Retrieve a Specific Value From a HashMap Using Key?

A HashMap is a data structure that implements a map interface in Java. It stores key-value pairs. On the key object’s hashcode, it uses a hashing function for computing an index-based element. And it is used to store and retrieve values. This allows very fast lookup, addition, and removal of key-value pairs, with average O(1) time complexity.

In this article, we will learn how to retrieve a specific value from a HashMap using its key in Java.


HasMap.get(object key_element)

Program to Retrieve a Specific Value From a HashMap Using Key in Java

Below is the implementation of retrieving a specific value from a HashMap using its key:

// Java Program to to retrieve a specific value from a HashMap using its key
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Main 
  public static void main(String[] args) 
    // Create a HashMap
    HashMap<String, Integer> courses = new HashMap<>();
    // Add key-value pairs
    courses.put("Java", 30000); 
    courses.put("C++", 25000);
    courses.put("Python", 35000);
    // Retrieve value using key
    String key = "Java";
    Integer value = courses.get(key); 



Explanation of the above Program:

Note: The get() method returns the value or null if key is not found.

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