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How to Put Your WordPress Site in Maintenance Mode ?

WordPress maintenance mode is an ideal way to cover a website in the development phase. When you update WordPress, it is best to hide tests and errors from visitors.

These changes may include testing the plugin, updating the content, changing the theme, or any other server-side changes. The aim of the article lies in unleashing the way to put the website in maintenance mode. However, the leading WordPress Development Firm could also be a choice for you if you are a beginner or non-tech user. The objective of this mode is to notify the visitors about the website which is in a construction state. It implies that after some time, the website will be back to its initial phase including a few changes.

WordPress Maintenance Mode: WordPress Maintenance mode demands you to carry out the changes in the website without any influence on SEO and user experience. The main benefit of WordPress maintenance mode is that you won’t lose your search engine rankings. When the WordPress website is in maintenance mode, it notifies the search engines of not indexing it.  


Why maintenance mode is important?

Each website needs updates and changes. But, there are a few factors that contribute to the website being in maintenance mode.  

Typically, you can see changes in real-time on any website. You might be required to post the new content to the website without turning the WordPress maintenance mode ON. In most cases, new content is published very quickly, so there is no need to enable WordPress maintenance mode.

However, if changes are taking longer than usual and bugs can be found in them, you need to use WordPress maintenance mode. Or, the users cannot access the website parts. The other reason for enabling WordPress mode is that it lets you retain the users while the website is in an updating phase. After putting the WordPress website in maintenance mode, it will show the notification on the website and alert them regarding the current situation.

When should you put your website into WordPress Maintenance Mode?

There is no need to put the website in maintenance mode When you’re making adjustments. Like – correcting minor bugs, changing some color schemes, and updating content.  

But as your site gets bigger, the changes can get bigger and take longer. Change in the theme, including unique features and services on the website, results in website downtime. Accordingly, this way, you can restrict the website visitor to use the website.  


What are the side effects of using Maintenance Mode for your visitors?

By default, from Maintenance Mode, WordPress creates a splash screen that informs your visitors about maintenance. Besides, it is only a web page with the message that the website is not available on a temporary basis. The splash screen builds an annoying experience for the visitors.  

Your business can make a bad impression on your potential customers. Visitors don’t care what happens behind the scenes. Thus, changing the default WordPress Maintenance Mode page is a good idea. Read on if you want to learn how to do it right.

How to put WordPress into maintenance mode?  

Method 1 – Using WordPress Plugins: This method is for those who want to activate WordPress maintenance mode without touching a single line of code.

All you need to do is download and install the WP Maintenance Mode plugin. After activation, you need to configure the plugin parameters. To do this, go to the right tab and select Settings->Maintenance Mode. On the settings page, you will see 5 tabs: General, Design, Modules, Bot Management and GDPR. Check out the explanation of all below:

Method 2 – Using a Custom Function: The second method can be a little technical. But don’t worry, it’s not that hard. Remember the default maintenance page that WordPress automatically installs when your website is in WordPress Maintenance Mode. You can put WordPress into maintenance mode manually and customize the page without additional plugins.

All you need to do is add these lines of code to the end of your theme’s functions.php file.

// Activate WordPress Maintenance Mode
function wp_maintenance_mode () {  
  if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_themes' ) 
               || ! is_user_logged_in ()) {    
    wp_die ( '<h1> Maintenance </h1> <br /> 
      This site is under scheduled maintenance. 
      Please check back later.'
    ) ;

add_action ( 'get_header' , 'wp_maintenance_mode' );

Change the text between the quotes on line 4 to customize the service message.

Method 3 – Using .htaccess File: You can find .htaccess in your website directory. Just rename your current.htaccess file to .htaccess_default, create a new file called .htaccess, and add the following code snippet:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond% { REQUEST_URI } ! ^ / Maintenance \ .html $
RewriteRule ^ ( . * ) $ Https : 
  // [R = 307, L]

Now create a maintenance.html file with a maintenance message file in your website directory.

Concluding Remarks: There are many ways to put WordPress into maintenance mode. The first way is to use the WordPress Maintenance Mode plugin. This plugin will help you create a beautiful splash screen. This method is recommended for those unfamiliar with coding. The second method requires adding a piece of PHP code to your functions.php file. The last method you can try is adding code to your .htaccess file.

Keep these methods in mind and implement them when you feel there is a need. Do let us know about your experience with the same.

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