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How to Push Both Key and Value into PHP Array ?

Given an array, the task is to push a new key and value pair into the array. There are some methods to push value and key into the PHP array, these are:

Approach 1: Using Square Bracket [] Syntax

A value can be directly assigned to a specific key by using the square bracket syntax.


$myArray = [
    "1" => "GeeksforGeeks",
    "2" => "GFG",
    "3" => "Learn, Practice, and Excel",
$myArray["4"] = "PHP";
foreach ($myArray as $keyName => $valueName) {
    echo $keyName . " => " . $valueName . "\n";

1 => GeeksforGeeks
2 => GFG
3 => Learn, Practice, and Excel
4 => PHP

Approach 2: Using array_merge() Function

The array_merge() function merges two arrays being passed as arguments. The first argument of the array_push() function is the original array and subsequent argument is the key and the value to be added to the array in the form of an array as well.

Note: Keep in mind that this method will re-number numeric keys, if any (keys will start from 0, 1, 2…).


$myArray = [
    "One" => "GeeksforGeeks",
    "Two" => "GFG",
    "Three" => "Learn, Practice, and Excel",
$myArray = array_merge($myArray, ["Four" => "PHP"]);
foreach ($myArray as $keyName => $valueName) {
    echo $keyName . " => " . $valueName . "\n";

One => GeeksforGeeks
Two => GFG
Three => Learn, Practice, and Excel
Four => PHP

Approach 3: Using += Operator

The += operator can be used to append a key-value pair to the end of the array.


$myArray = [
    "1" => "GeeksforGeeks",
    "2" => "GFG",
    "3" => "Learn, Practice, and Excel",
$myArray += ["4" => "PHP"];
foreach ($myArray as $keyName => $valueName) {
    echo $keyName . " => " . $valueName . "\n";

1 => GeeksforGeeks
2 => GFG
3 => Learn, Practice, and Excel
4 => PHP

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