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How to Install Google Chrome on Kali Linux?

Google Chrome is the most popular Web browser in the world right now. The reason for this widespread acceptance is the ease of use and its efficiency. In this article, you would learn how to install Google Chrome on Kali Linux. Before starting the process it is required for your Operating system to have updated Repositories and System Packages. This can easily be done by running the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt update


We would also be requiring the wget tool for the installation, which we would install using the following command.

sudo apt install wget


Installing Google Chrome:

Step 1: After updating the system download the Google Chrome Debian file from the following link. This could be done by running the following command:



Now we have downloaded the package that contains the latest version of Google Chrome for Debian Distribution (Kali Linux is based on Debian).

Step 2: For installing from the downloaded package we would be using the apt package manager. The command for installing Chrome from the downloaded package would be:

apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb


Now Google Chrome has been successfully installed into our Operating System. 

Step 3: Launch Google Chrome using the following command



The browser will appear, once the command has been successfully executed. This is how you install Google Chrome on your Kali Linux using the terminal.

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