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How to Install Git on MobaXterm?

MobaXtern is an enhanced terminal for Windows with an X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools, and much more. In more simple terms, MobaXterm is a toolbox for remote computing and it provides all the important remote network tools like SSH, X11, RDP, VNC, FTP, MOSH, etc… and UNIX commands like bash, ls, cat, sed, grep, awk, rsync, etc… to Windows desktop in a single portable exe file. In this article, you will learn multiple ways to install git on MobaXterm.

What is Git?

Git is a widely used open-source distributed version control and source code management system. It effectively tracks changes to source code, enabling effortless branching, merging, and versioning.

To learn more about Git, Click here.

How to Install Git on MobaXterm?

Usually, Git comes preinstalled with MobaXterm, but in case it is not available in your system or MobaXterm, you can download it from MobaXterm’s Package Manager or through MobaXterm Terminal.

Note: Make sure that you have a good Internet connection. So check your Internet speed from these Internet Speed Test Sites before performing these operation.

Method 1: Install Git on MobaXterm Using MobaXterm’s Package Manager

Step 1: Open MobaXterm and Click on the Packages Icon.

Step 2: Click on Yes if you are using portable version of MobaXterm and if you are using Installer Version than Package Manager will launch.

Step 3: In the Package Manager’s Search bar, search “git” and find git in list with description as “distributed version control system” and click on it.

Step 4: Click on Install/Update

Step 5: Now Click on Yes in Popup that will launch.

Step 6: It will download git and show the downloading process in Package Manager Terminal Interface. After the download process gets complete than it will exit the package manager successfully and than Click on OK.

Step 7: Check if the Git is installed or not, Simple type the following command in MobaXterm Terminal.

git --version

Congrats, You just successfully installed latest version of Git in your MobaXterm.

Method 2: Install Git on MobaXterm Using MobaXterm Terminal

Step 1: Open MobaXterm and click on “+” icon under menu bar or click on “Start local terminal button”

Step 2: Type the following command and press ENTER

apt install git

Step 3: Now, Type “y” and press ENTER

Step 4: It will download or update Git in your MobaXterm. After the process ends just check if Git is installed or not by typing following command

git --version

Congrats, You just successfully installed Git in MobaXterm.


Installing Git on MobaXterm is straightforward, with both Package Manager and terminal options available. Choose the method that best fits your preference and enjoy version control within your favorite Windows terminal.

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