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How to implement Priority Queue – using Heap or Array?

A Priority Queue is a data structure that allows you to insert elements with a priority, and retrieve the element with the highest priority. 

You can implement a priority queue using either an array or a heap. Both array and heap-based implementations of priority queues have their own advantages and disadvantages. Arrays are generally easier to implement, but they can be slower because inserting and deleting elements requires shifting the elements in the array. Heaps are more efficient, but they can be more complex to implement. You can also refer to the Difference between Heaps and Sorted Array for a general comparison between the two.

Heap-based implementation of a priority queue

It involves creating a binary heap data structure and maintaining the heap property as elements are inserted and removed. In a binary heap, the element with the highest priority is always the root of the heap. To insert an element, you would add it to the end of the heap and then perform the necessary heap operations (such as swapping the element with its parent) to restore the heap property. To retrieve the highest priority element, you would simply return the root of the heap.

To implement a priority queue using a heap, we can use the following steps:

Example 1:

//Implement a priority queue in C++ using a heap
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class PriorityQueue {
    struct Node {
        std::string task;
        int priority;
        Node(std::string task, int priority) : task(task), priority(priority) {}
    std::vector<Node> heap;
  void insert(std::string task, int priority) {
        heap.push_back(Node(task, priority));
        int idx = heap.size() - 1;
        while (idx != 0) {
            int parentIdx = (idx - 1) / 2;
            if (heap[parentIdx].priority < heap[idx].priority) {
                std::swap(heap[parentIdx], heap[idx]);
                idx = parentIdx;
            } else {
    Node extractMax() {
        Node maxNode = heap[0];
        heap[0] = heap.back();
        int idx = 0;
        while (idx < heap.size()) {
            int leftChildIdx = idx * 2 + 1;
            int rightChildIdx = idx * 2 + 2;
            int largerChildIdx = leftChildIdx;
            if (rightChildIdx < heap.size() && heap[rightChildIdx].priority > heap[leftChildIdx].priority) {
                largerChildIdx = rightChildIdx;
            if (largerChildIdx < heap.size() && heap[largerChildIdx].priority > heap[idx].priority) {
                std::swap(heap[largerChildIdx], heap[idx]);
                idx = largerChildIdx;
            } else {
        return maxNode;
int main() {
    PriorityQueue pq;
    pq.insert("Task 1", 1);
    pq.insert("Task 2", 2);
    pq.insert("Task 3", 3);
    pq.insert("Task 4", 4);
    while (!pq.heap.empty()) {
        PriorityQueue::Node max = pq.extractMax();
        std::cout << max.task << std::endl;
    return 0;
//Code is contributed by Kushal Pareek

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
class PriorityQueue {
static class Node {
String task;
int priority;
Node(String task, int priority) {
this.task = task;
this.priority = priority;
List<Node> heap = new ArrayList<>();
// Adds a task to the priority queue
public void insert(String task, int priority) {
    heap.add(new Node(task, priority));
    int idx = heap.size() - 1;
    while (idx != 0) {
        int parentIdx = (idx - 1) / 2;
        if (heap.get(parentIdx).priority < heap.get(idx).priority) {
            swap(parentIdx, idx);
            idx = parentIdx;
        } else {
// Extracts the task with the highest priority
public Node extractMax() {
    Node maxNode = heap.get(0);
    heap.set(0, heap.get(heap.size() - 1));
    heap.remove(heap.size() - 1);
    int idx = 0;
    while (idx < heap.size()) {
        int leftChildIdx = idx * 2 + 1;
        int rightChildIdx = idx * 2 + 2;
        int largerChildIdx = leftChildIdx;
        if (rightChildIdx < heap.size() && heap.get(rightChildIdx).priority > heap.get(leftChildIdx).priority) {
            largerChildIdx = rightChildIdx;
        if (largerChildIdx < heap.size() && heap.get(largerChildIdx).priority > heap.get(idx).priority) {
            swap(largerChildIdx, idx);
            idx = largerChildIdx;
        } else {
    return maxNode;
private void swap(int i, int j) {
    Node temp = heap.get(i);
    heap.set(i, heap.get(j));
    heap.set(j, temp);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();
pq.insert("Task 1", 1);
pq.insert("Task 2", 2);
pq.insert("Task 3", 3);
pq.insert("Task 4", 4);
      while (!pq.heap.isEmpty()) {
        PriorityQueue.Node max = pq.extractMax();
// This code is contributed by Edula Vinay Kumar Reddy 

class MaxHeap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.heap = []
    def insert(self, val):
    def remove(self):
        if len(self.heap) == 0:
            return None
        if len(self.heap) == 1:
            return self.heap.pop()
        val = self.heap[0]
        self.heap[0] = self.heap.pop()
        return val
    def heapify_up(self):
        idx = len(self.heap) - 1
        while idx > 0:
            parent_idx = (idx - 1) // 2
            if self.heap[idx] > self.heap[parent_idx]:
                self.heap[idx], self.heap[parent_idx] = self.heap[parent_idx], self.heap[idx]
                idx = parent_idx
    def heapify_down(self):
        idx = 0
        while idx * 2 + 1 < len(self.heap):
            left_child_idx = idx * 2 + 1
            right_child_idx = idx * 2 + 2
            if right_child_idx < len(self.heap) and self.heap[right_child_idx] > self.heap[left_child_idx]:
                largest_child_idx = right_child_idx
                largest_child_idx = left_child_idx
            if self.heap[idx] < self.heap[largest_child_idx]:
                self.heap[idx], self.heap[largest_child_idx] = self.heap[largest_child_idx], self.heap[idx]
                idx = largest_child_idx
class PriorityQueue:
    def __init__(self):
        self.heap = MaxHeap()
    def insert(self, val, priority):
        self.heap.insert((priority, val))
    def remove(self):
        return self.heap.remove()[1]
# Example usage
pq = PriorityQueue()
pq.insert('Task 1', 1)
pq.insert('Task 2', 2)
pq.insert('Task 3', 3)
pq.insert('Task 4', 4)
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 4
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 3
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 2
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 1

// JavaScript implementation:
class MaxHeap {
  constructor() {
    this.heap = [];
  insert(val) {
  remove() {
    if (this.heap.length === 0) {
      return null;
    if (this.heap.length === 1) {
      return this.heap.pop();
    const val = this.heap[0];
    this.heap[0] = this.heap.pop();
    return val;
  heapifyUp() {
    let idx = this.heap.length - 1;
    while (idx > 0) {
      const parentIdx = Math.floor((idx - 1) / 2);
      if (this.heap[idx] > this.heap[parentIdx]) {
        [this.heap[idx], this.heap[parentIdx]] = [this.heap[parentIdx], this.heap[idx]];
        idx = parentIdx;
      } else {
  heapifyDown() {
    let idx = 0;
    while (idx * 2 + 1 < this.heap.length) {
      const leftChildIdx = idx * 2 + 1;
      const rightChildIdx = idx * 2 + 2;
      let largestChildIdx;
      if (rightChildIdx < this.heap.length && this.heap[rightChildIdx] > this.heap[leftChildIdx]) {
        largestChildIdx = rightChildIdx;
      } else {
        largestChildIdx = leftChildIdx;
      if (this.heap[idx] < this.heap[largestChildIdx]) {
        [this.heap[idx], this.heap[largestChildIdx]] = [this.heap[largestChildIdx], this.heap[idx]];
        idx = largestChildIdx;
      } else {
class PriorityQueue {
  constructor() {
    this.heap = new MaxHeap();
  insert(val, priority) {
    this.heap.insert([priority, val]);
  remove() {
    return this.heap.remove()[1];
// Example usage
const pq = new PriorityQueue();
pq.insert("Task 1", 1);
pq.insert("Task 2", 2);
pq.insert("Task 3", 3);
pq.insert("Task 4", 4);
console.log(pq.remove() + "<br>"); // Output: Task 4
console.log(pq.remove() + "<br>"); // Output: Task 3
console.log(pq.remove() + "<br>"); // Output: Task 2
console.log(pq.remove() + "<br>"); // Output: Task 1
// This code is contributed by lokesh.

//Implement a priority queue in C# using a heap
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class MaxHeap
    private List<int> heap;
    public MaxHeap()
        heap = new List<int>();
    public void Insert(int val)
    public int? Remove()
        if (heap.Count == 0)
            return null;
        if (heap.Count == 1)
            int val = heap[0];
            return val;
        int result = heap[0];
        heap[0] = heap[heap.Count - 1];
        heap.RemoveAt(heap.Count - 1);
        return result;
    private void HeapifyUp()
        int idx = heap.Count - 1;
        while (idx > 0)
            int parentIdx = (idx - 1) / 2;
            if (heap[idx] > heap[parentIdx])
                int temp = heap[idx];
                heap[idx] = heap[parentIdx];
                heap[parentIdx] = temp;
                idx = parentIdx;
    private void HeapifyDown()
        int idx = 0;
        while (idx * 2 + 1 < heap.Count)
            int leftChildIdx = idx * 2 + 1;
            int rightChildIdx = idx * 2 + 2;
            int largestChildIdx;
            if (rightChildIdx < heap.Count && heap[rightChildIdx] > heap[leftChildIdx])
                largestChildIdx = rightChildIdx;
                largestChildIdx = leftChildIdx;
            if (heap[idx] < heap[largestChildIdx])
                int temp = heap[idx];
                heap[idx] = heap[largestChildIdx];
                heap[largestChildIdx] = temp;
                idx = largestChildIdx;
public class PriorityQueue
    private MaxHeap heap;
    public PriorityQueue()
        heap = new MaxHeap();
    public void Insert(string val, int priority)
    public string Remove()
        return heap.Remove().ToString();
public class Example
    public static void Main()
        PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();
        pq.Insert("Task 1", 1);
        pq.Insert("Task 2", 2);
        pq.Insert("Task 3", 3);
        pq.Insert("Task 4", 4);
        Console.WriteLine(pq.Remove());  // Output: Task 4
        Console.WriteLine(pq.Remove());  // Output: Task 3
        Console.WriteLine(pq.Remove());  // Output: Task 2
        Console.WriteLine(pq.Remove());  // Output: Task 1
//This code is contributed by shivamsharma215

Task 4
Task 3
Task 2
Task 1

In the above code, we have defined two classes: MaxHeap and PriorityQueue. The MaxHeap class is used to implement the actual heap data structure, while the PriorityQueue class wraps the MaxHeap class and adds the functionality of a priority queue.

The MaxHeap class has the following functions:

The PriorityQueue class has the following functions:

Array-based implementation of a priority queue:

It involves creating an array of elements and sorting it in ascending or descending order of priority. To insert an element, you would need to shift the elements in the array to make room for the new element and then insert it at the appropriate position based on its priority. To retrieve the highest priority element, you would simply return the first element in the array.

To implement a priority queue using arrays, we can use the following steps:

//C++ code implementation of priority queue using an array
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
const int MAX_SIZE = 100;
class PriorityQueue {
    struct Task {
        std::string name;
        int priority;
    Task queue[MAX_SIZE];
    int size;
    PriorityQueue() {
        size = 0;
    void insert(std::string name, int priority) {
        if (size == MAX_SIZE) {
            std::cout << "Error: Queue is full" << std::endl;
      int i = size;
        while (i > 0 && priority < queue[i - 1].priority) {
            queue[i] = queue[i - 1];
        queue[i].name = name;
        queue[i].priority = priority;
  std::string remove() {
        if (size == 0) {
            std::cout << "Error: Queue is empty" << std::endl;
            return "";
        std::string removedTask = queue[size - 1].name;
        return removedTask;
int main() {
    PriorityQueue pq;
    pq.insert("Task 1", 1);
    pq.insert("Task 2", 2);
    pq.insert("Task 3", 3);
    pq.insert("Task 4", 4);
    std::cout << pq.remove() << std::endl; // Task 1
    std::cout << pq.remove() << std::endl; // Task 2
    std::cout << pq.remove() << std::endl; // Task 3
    std::cout << pq.remove() << std::endl; // Task 4
    return 0;
//This code is contributed by Kushal Pareek

import java.util.ArrayList;
class PriorityQueue
  // Declare an ArrayList to store our elements
  ArrayList<Pair> queue;
  // Initialize our priority queue
  public PriorityQueue() {
    this.queue = new ArrayList<Pair>();
  // Insert an element into the queue with a given priority
  public void insert(String val, int priority)
    // Create a new pair object to store our element and its priority
    Pair pair = new Pair(val, priority);
    // Add the pair to the queue
  // Remove the element with the highest priority from the queue
  public String remove() {
    int maxIdx = 0;
    // Iterate through the queue to find the element with the highest priority
    for (int i = 1; i < this.queue.size(); i++) {
      if (this.queue.get(i).priority > this.queue.get(maxIdx).priority) {
        maxIdx = i;
    String val = this.queue.get(maxIdx).val;
    // Shift all elements after the removed element to the left
    while (maxIdx < this.queue.size() - 1) {
      this.queue.set(maxIdx, this.queue.get(maxIdx + 1));
    this.queue.remove(this.queue.size() - 1);
    return val;
  // Inner class to store an element and its priority
  private class Pair {
    String val;
    int priority;
    public Pair(String val, int priority) {
      this.val = val;
      this.priority = priority;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();
    pq.insert("Task 1", 1);
    pq.insert("Task 2", 2);
    pq.insert("Task 3", 3);
    pq.insert("Task 4", 4);
    System.out.println(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 4
    System.out.println(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 3
    System.out.println(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 2
    System.out.println(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 1
//  This code is contributed by Vikram_Shirsat

class PriorityQueue:
    def __init__(self):
        self.queue = []
    def insert(self, val, priority):
        self.queue.append((priority, val))
    def remove(self):
        max_idx = 0
        for i in range(1, len(self.queue)):
            if self.queue[i][0] > self.queue[max_idx][0]:
                max_idx = i
        val = self.queue[max_idx][1]
        while max_idx < len(self.queue) - 1:
            self.queue[max_idx] = self.queue[max_idx + 1]
            max_idx += 1
        return val
# Example usage
pq = PriorityQueue()
pq.insert('Task 1', 1)
pq.insert('Task 2', 2)
pq.insert('Task 3', 3)
pq.insert('Task 4', 4)
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 4
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 3
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 2
print(pq.remove())  # Output: Task 1

//C# code implementation of priority queue using an array
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class PriorityQueue
// Declare a List to store our elements
private List<Pair> queue;
  // Initialize our priority queue
public PriorityQueue()
    this.queue = new List<Pair>();
// Insert an element into the queue with a given priority
public void insert(string val, int priority)
    // Create a new pair object to store our element and its priority
    Pair pair = new Pair(val, priority);
    // Add the pair to the queue
// Remove the element with the highest priority from the queue
public string remove()
    int maxIdx = 0;
    // Iterate through the queue to find the element with the highest priority
    for (int i = 1; i < this.queue.Count; i++)
        if (this.queue[i].priority > this.queue[maxIdx].priority)
            maxIdx = i;
    string val = this.queue[maxIdx].val;
    // Shift all elements after the removed element to the left
    while (maxIdx < this.queue.Count - 1)
        this.queue[maxIdx] = this.queue[maxIdx + 1];
    this.queue.RemoveAt(this.queue.Count - 1);
    return val;
// Inner class to store an element and its priority
private class Pair
    public string val;
    public int priority;
    public Pair(string val, int priority)
        this.val = val;
        this.priority = priority;
static void Main(string[] args)
    PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();
    pq.insert("Task 1", 1);
    pq.insert("Task 2", 2);
    pq.insert("Task 3", 3);
    pq.insert("Task 4", 4);
    Console.WriteLine(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 4
    Console.WriteLine(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 3
    Console.WriteLine(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 2
    Console.WriteLine(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 1
//This code is contributed by shivamsharma215

//javascript equivalent of above code
class PriorityQueue {
  constructor() {
    // Declare an ArrayList to store our elements
    this.queue = [];
  // Insert an element into the queue with a given priority
  insert(val, priority) {
    // Create a new pair object to store our element and its priority
    const pair = new Pair(val, priority);
    // Add the pair to the queue
  // Remove the element with the highest priority from the queue
  remove() {
    let maxIdx = 0;
    // Iterate through the queue to find the element with the highest priority
    for (let i = 1; i < this.queue.length; i++) {
      if (this.queue[i].priority > this.queue[maxIdx].priority) {
        maxIdx = i;
    const val = this.queue[maxIdx].val;
    // Shift all elements after the removed element to the left
    while (maxIdx < this.queue.length - 1) {
      this.queue[maxIdx] = this.queue[maxIdx + 1];
    return val;
// Inner class to store an element and its priority
class Pair {
  constructor(val, priority) {
    this.val = val;
    this.priority = priority;
const pq = new PriorityQueue();
pq.insert("Task 1", 1);
pq.insert("Task 2", 2);
pq.insert("Task 3", 3);
pq.insert("Task 4", 4);
console.log(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 4
console.log(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 3
console.log(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 2
console.log(pq.remove()); // Output: Task 1

Task 4
Task 3
Task 2
Task 1

In the above code, we have defined a class called PriorityQueue which implements a priority queue using an array. The PriorityQueue class has the following functions:

Which is more efficient – Heap or Array, to implement Priority Queue?

Data structure  Insert   Search  Find min  Delete min
Sorted array  O(n) O(log n) O(1)     O(n)
Min heap O(log n)  O(n)  O(1)    O(log n)

Both arrays and heaps can be used to implement priority queues, but heaps are generally more efficient because they offer faster insertion and retrieval times. The choice of data structure will depend on the specific requirements of your application. It is important to consider the trade-offs between the ease of implementation and the performance of the data structure when deciding which one to use.

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