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How to hide API key in Node ?

When building applications that interact with third-party services or APIs, it’s common to use API keys for authentication and authorization purposes. However, exposing these keys in your codebase can pose a significant security risk. If your code ends up in the wrong hands, malicious actors could potentially misuse your API keys, leading to unauthorized access, data breaches, or financial losses.

Environment Variables:

One effective approach to hide API keys is by utilizing environment variables. Environment variables are variables that are set outside of the application code and are accessible to it during runtime. They are commonly used to store sensitive data like API keys, database credentials, etc., without hardcoding them into the source code.

Steps to Hide API Keys using Environment Variables

Step 1: Create a .env File: Start by creating a file named `.env` in the root directory of your Node.js project. This file will store your API keys and other sensitive information.

Step 2: Install dotenv Package: Install the `dotenv` package, which allows us to read variables from the `.env` file into Node.js environment.

npm install dotenv

Step 3: Configure .env File: Add your API keys to the `.env` file in the format `KEY_NAME=your-api-key`. For example:


Step 4: Load Environment Variables in Node.js: In your Node.js application entry file (e.g., `app.js`), import and configure `dotenv` to load environment variables from the `.env` file.


Step 5: Access Environment Variables: Now, you can access your API keys as environment variables in your Node.js application using `process.env`.

const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY;

This way, your API keys remain hidden from the source code and are accessed securely through environment variables.


Securing API keys is crucial for the overall security of your Node.js applications. By utilizing environment variables and the `dotenv` package, you can effectively hide sensitive information like API keys from prying eyes. Always remember to never expose your API keys in public repositories or client-side code to minimize security risks.

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