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How to fix MariaDB Lost Connection During Query?

The “Lost Connection During Query” error in MariaDB can disrupt database operations and lead to data loss or corruption. This error occurs when the communication between the database server and the client application is unexpectedly terminated.

In this article, We will learn about different strategies to solve the problem of Lost Connection During Query by understanding these strategies in depth manner.

How to Fix MariaDB Lost Connection During Query?

1. Increasing Timeout Settings

SET GLOBAL connect_timeout = 600;


increasing timeout from command line

Explanation: This configuration increases the timeout period to 600 seconds (10 minutes), allowing longer query execution times before triggering a connection timeout. we can adjust the value according to your specific requirements and workload.

2. Optimizing Queries

CREATE INDEX idx_customer_name ON Customers (FullName);

Explanation: Creating an index on the FullName column of the Customers table improves query performance, reducing the likelihood of connection timeouts during query execution.

3. Adjust the Timeout Global Variables in Your MySQL Database Server:

Step 1: Connect to Your MariaDB Server

Step 2: Open the MySQL Command-Line Client

mysql -u your_username -p

Step 3: Execute SQL Command to Adjust Timeout Variables

SET GLOBAL connect_timeout = 1800;
SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 1800;
SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout = 1800;

Step 4: Verify Changes

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'connect_timeout';
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout';
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'interactive_timeout';

This will display the current values of the timeout-related variables.

Step 5: Restart MariaDB Server (If Necessary)

Step 6: Test Connectivity

4. Adjust Timeout-Related Variables in Your MySQL GUI Tools:

Adjusting timeout-related variables in MySQL GUI tools may vary slightly depending on the tool we are using, but we can provide a general step-by-step guide that should be applicable to most popular GUI tools like MySQL Workbench or phpMyAdmin.

Step 1: Open Your MySQL GUI Tool

Launch your MySQL GUI tool. This could be MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin, or any other tool you prefer for managing your MariaDB server.

Step 2: Connect to Your MariaDB Server

Step 3: Navigate to Server Settings or Options

Step 4: Locate and Modify Timeout-Related Variables

Modifying timeout settings using workbench GUI

Step 5: Save Changes

Step 6: Restart MariaDB Server (If Necessary)

Step 7: Test the Changes


Overall, Fixing the “Lost Connection During Query” error in MariaDB requires a systematic approach to identify and address the underlying causes. By increasing timeout settings, optimizing queries, and adjusting timeout global variables, you can ensure uninterrupted database operations.

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