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How to Design a Web Application – A Guideline on Software Architecture

Have you ever tried to prepare Pizza at home? (yes!!! we’re talking about your favorite food…)

What will happen if you don’t make good dough for your pizza base? Surely the whole Pizza base will be spoiled and you can’t continue with preparing your favorite dish. 

Whether you’re making a pizza or building some software if you don’t get the right base you’ll have to start everything again from scratch. In a web application, the architecture of your app is the base and it should be chosen carefully to build an application successfully. A good developer choose the right architecture for the application to avoid any kind of major change in software design or later in the application code. When a developer chooses the right architecture during the initial design phase, the development process becomes easier, and a lot of engineering and financial resources can be also saved. In this article let’s discuss this topic in detail and focus on some key aspects to choose the right architecture for a web application. 

Difference Between Software Architecture and Software Design

Both are not the same….yes!!! You heard it right (don’t be confused and let’ understand how both are different.)

Software Architecture

The high-level components of a system, the relationship between these components, and how they work together is a part of software architecture. It is the skeleton of any application. For example:

When you choose an architecture you need to consider some metrics such as dealing with performance, fault tolerance, scalability, and reliability.

Software Design

The code which you write in your application for different modules, classes, functions, and other features is considered as software design. The code level design defines which module is doing what, the scope of the classes, functions and their purpose, etc. To implement and manage this code in a larger team a common language/pattern (software design pattern) is used to conceptualize repeated problems and solutions. A developer can become more efficient in implementing the code if he/she uses these methods or patterns which are already defined by others. Read the article Design Patterns: Understand The Importance With Real-Life Examples for a clear understanding of software design patterns. 

Software Architecture Patterns

1. Client-server

Client-server architecture is a network architecture and it follows the request-response model. Here the client can be any device such as a PC or workstation on which users run applications. These clients send the request to the server for some information. Servers are powerful computers dedicated to managing disk drives (file servers), printers (print servers), or network traffic (network servers). When the server receives the request, it processes that request and sends the response back to the client. Facebook, Twitter, Skype, banking applications, and almost all social media companies follow this architecture. 

This architecture is a network of computers where each computer works as a node and these nodes can communicate with each other without any use of the central server. Each computer in the network will have equal capabilities/responsibilities. The benefit of this architecture is that there is no fear of a single point of failure. If a node goes down, the other node will be available to process the request. P2P is the base of blockchain technology.

 3. Model-View-Controller (MVC)

In software engineering, this pattern is very popular and it has existed for a long time. This architecture can be used in desktop, web, or mobile applications. In MVC we separate the whole application logic into three components. 

4. Microservices

This architecture divides the tasks/features into separate respective modules/codebases. These modules coordinate with each other to form a whole large service. This architecture provides much more flexibility to the developer because it allows them to choose their programming language for different modules. Microservice based architecture applications are easier to maintain, test, and deploy in comparison to monolithic architecture. 

4. Event-Driven

Modern web applications are popular for using this architecture. It is also known as Non-blocking architecture. It allows the applications to handle numerous concurrent requests with minimum resource consumption. It is the best suitable for applications that need a fully asynchronous model to scale. 

5. Master-Slave Architecture

Earlier in computer science, this architecture was defined in the context of database replication. For example, in a database, we replicate the data/information across three servers. There is a possibility of inconsistency because one of these could be out of sync with others. Master-slave architecture resolves this issue where we treat one replica as master and the rest are identified as a slave. In vertical scaling, we commonly use a replication approach where one stores the master code and the other are the replicas of that.

6. Layered

The whole structure of the program is divided into groups of subtasks or layers, each of which is at a particular level of abstraction. Each of the layers is responsible for providing the services to the next higher layer. These layers are…

How Many Tiers Should Your App Have?

1. Single Tier Application



2. Two-Tier Application



3. Three-Tier Application



4. N-Tier application




Horizontal or Vertical Scaling — Which One is Good for an Application?

Monolithic or Microservice?

When to Use Monolithic Architecture?

When to Use Microservices Architecture?

Note: When you start building an application with a single codebase, most of the time it becomes a huge application. This is the reason a lot of developers start with the monolithic architecture but later they scale out the app into a Microservice architecture. So choosing an architecture depends on your use cases and the requirements. 


When to Pick SQL/Relational Databases?

MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB all these are examples of popular relational databases. 

When to pick a NoSQL/Non-Relational database?

MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, HBase, these all are the example of popular non-relational databases. 

Which One is The Right Technology For The Application?

1. Real-Time Data Interaction

Choose NodeJS, Tornado (Python’s framework), Spring Reactor, Play, and (For Java Ecosystem) if you’re building an application where you need…

2. Peer-to-peer Web Application

3. CRUD-Based Regular Application

4. Small Scale Applications

5. CPU and Memory-Intensive Applications


Whatever points we have discussed throughout this article all these are important to remember when you are starting with software architecture. Before you make your hands dirty in the code make sure you choose the right software architecture, the right database, the right technology, and the right scalability option. Keep in mind all the above points and it will help you in the long run. 

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