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How to delete one or more rows in excel using Openpyxl?

Openpyxl is a Python library to manipulate xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files. With Openpyxl you can create a new Excel file or a sheet and can also be used on an existing Excel file or sheet.


This module does not come built-in with Python. To install this type the below command in the terminal.

pip3 install openpyxl

In this article, we will discuss how to delete rows in an Excel sheet with openpyxl. You can find the Excel file used for this article here.

Deleting Empty rows (one or more)

Method 1:

This method removes empty rows but not continues empty rows, because when you delete the first empty row the next row gets its position. So it is not validated. Hence, this problem can be solved by recursive function calls. 


# import openpyxl library
import openpyxl
# function to remove empty rows
def remove(sheet, row):
    # iterate the row object
    for cell in row:
          # check the value of each cell in
        # the row, if any of the value is not
        # None return without removing the row
        if cell.value != None:
    # get the row number from the first cell
    # and remove the row
    sheet.delete_rows(row[0].row, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # enter your file path
    path = './delete_empty_rows.xlsx'
    # load excel file
    book = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
    # select the sheet
    sheet = book['daily sales']
    print("Maximum rows before removing:", sheet.max_row)
    # iterate the sheet object
    for row in sheet:
    print("Maximum rows after removing:",sheet.max_row)
    # save the file to the path
      path = './openpy.xlsx'


Maximum rows before removing: 15
Maximum rows after removing: 14

File after deletion:

The first method deleted only the first empty row and the second continuous empty row is not deleted.

Method 2:

This method removes empty rows, including continuous empty rows by using the recursive approach. The key point is to pass the modified sheet object as an argument to the recursive function. If there is no empty row function is returned immediately.


# import openpyxl library
import openpyxl
# function to remove empty rows
def remove(sheet):
  # iterate the sheet by rows
  for row in sheet.iter_rows():
    # all() return False if all of the row value is None
    if not all(cell.value for cell in row):
      # detele the empty row
      sheet.delete_rows(row[0].row, 1)
      # recursively call the remove() with modified sheet data
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # enter your file path
    path = './delete_empty_rows.xlsx'
    # load excel file
    book = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
    # select the sheet
    sheet = book['daily sales']
    print("Maximum rows before removing:", sheet.max_row)
    # iterate the sheet
    for row in sheet:
    print("Maximum rows after removing:",sheet.max_row)
    # save the file to the path
      path = './openpy.xlsx'


Maximum rows before removing: 15
Maximum rows after removing: 13

File after deletion:

This method deleted both continuous empty rows as expected.

Deleting All rows

Method 1:

 In this method, we delete the second row repeatedly until a single row is left(column names).


import openpyxl
def delete(sheet):
    # continuously delete row 2 until there
    # is only a single row left over
    # that contains column names
    while(sheet.max_row > 1):
        # this method removes the row 2
    # return to main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
        # enter your file path
    path = './delete_every_rows.xlsx'
    # load excel file
    book = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
    # select the sheet
    sheet = book['sheet1']
    print("Maximum rows before removing:", sheet.max_row)
    print("Maximum rows after removing:", sheet.max_row)
    # save the file to the path
    path = './openpy.xlsx'


Maximum rows before removing: 15
Maximum rows after removing: 1

File after deletion:

Method 2:

In this method, we use openpyxl sheet method to delete entire rows with a single command.


import openpyxl
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # enter your file path
    path = './delete_every_rows.xlsx'
    # load excel file
    book = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
    # select the sheet
    sheet = book['sheet1']
    print("Maximum rows before removing:", sheet.max_row)
    # sheet.max_row is the maximum number
    # of rows that the sheet have
    # delete_row() method removes rows, first parameter represents row
    # number and sencond parameter represents number of rows
    # to delete from the row number
    sheet.delete_rows(2, sheet.max_row-1)
    print("Maximum rows after removing:", sheet.max_row)
    # save the file to the path
    path = './openpy.xlsx'


Maximum rows before removing: 15
Maximum rows after removing: 1

File after deletion:

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