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How to Declare a Fixed Length Array in TypeScript ?

To declare a Fixed-length Array in TypeScript you can use a Tuple. Tuple types allow you to specify the types for each element in the array and, importantly, define a fixed number of elements in a specific order. In this article, we are going to learn how to declare a fixed-length array in TypeScript.


type FixedLengthArray = [Type1, Type2, ..., TypeN]


Example 1: In this example, FixedLengthArray is a tuple type specifying a fixed-length array with a number, string, and boolean in that order.

type FixedLengthArray = [number, string, boolean];
const myArray: FixedLengthArray = [12, 'Geeks', true];
const numberValue: number = myArray[0];
const stringValue: string = myArray[1];
const booleanValue: boolean = myArray[2];
// Error: Cannot assign to '0'
// because it is a constant.
// myArray[0] = 10;
// You can push into tuple but can not access it
// because it is of type 'FixedLengthArray'.
// myArray.push('world');
console.log(`Number Value: ${numberValue}`);
console.log(`String Value: ${stringValue}`);
console.log(`Boolean Value: ${booleanValue}`);


Number Value: 12
String Value: Geeks
Boolean Value: true

Example 2: In this example, example is a tuple type specifying a fixed-length array with two elements: a string and a number.

type example = [string, number];
const myExample: example = ['example', 42];
const stringValue: string = myExample[0];
const numberValue: number = myExample[1];
console.log(`String Value: ${stringValue}`);
console.log(`Number Value: ${numberValue}`);


String Value: example
Number Value: 42

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