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How to Create Thread using Lambda Expressions in Java?

Lambda Expressions are introduced in Java SE8. These expressions are developed for Functional Interfaces. A functional interface is an interface with only one abstract method. To know more about Lambda Expressions click here.


(argument1, argument2, .. argument n) -> {

// statements


Here we make use of the Runnable Interface. As it is a Functional Interface, Lambda expressions can be used. The following steps are performed to achieve the task:


Example 1:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating Lambda expression for run() method in
        // functional interface "Runnable"
        Runnable myThread = () ->
            // Used to set custom name to the current thread
                + " is running");
        // Instantiating Thread class by passing Runnable
        // reference to Thread constructor
        Thread run = new Thread(myThread);
        // Starting the thread

myThread is running

Example 2: 

Multithreading-1 using lambda expressions

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Runnable basic = () ->
            String threadName
                = Thread.currentThread().getName();
            System.out.println("Running common task by "
                               + threadName);
        // Instantiating two thread classes
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(basic);
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(basic);
        // Running two threads for the same task

Running common task by Thread-1
Running common task by Thread-0

Example 3: 

Multithreading-2 using lambda expressions

import java.util.Random;
// This is a random player class with two functionalities
// playGames and playMusic
class RandomPlayer {
    public void playGame(String gameName)
        throws InterruptedException
        System.out.println(gameName + " game started");
        // Assuming game is being played for 500
        // milliseconds
        Thread.sleep(500); // this statement may throw
                           // interrupted exception, so
                           // throws declaration is added
        System.out.println(gameName + " game ended");
    public void playMusic(String trackName)
        throws InterruptedException
        System.out.println(trackName + " track started");
        // Assuming music is being played for 500
        // milliseconds
        Thread.sleep(500); // this statement may throw
                           // interrupted exception, so
                           // throws declaration is added
        System.out.println(trackName + " track ended");
public class Test {
    // games and tracks arrays which are being used for
    // picking random items
    static String[] games
        = { "COD",      "Prince Of Persia", "GTA-V5",
            "Valorant", "FIFA 22",          "Fortnite" };
    static String[] tracks
        = { "Believer", "Cradles", "Taki Taki", "Sorry",
            "Let Me Love You" };
    public static void main(String[] args)
        RandomPlayer player
            = new RandomPlayer(); // Instance of
                                  // RandomPlayer to access
                                  // its functionalities
        // Random class for choosing random items from above
        // arrays
        Random random = new Random();
        // Creating two lambda expressions for runnable
        // interfaces
        Runnable gameRunner = () ->
            try {
                    games.length)]); // Choosing game track
                                     // for playing
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
        Runnable musicPlayer = () ->
            try {
                    tracks.length)]); // Choosing random
                                      // music track for
                                      // playing
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // Instantiating two thread classes with runnable
        // references
        Thread game = new Thread(gameRunner);
        Thread music = new Thread(musicPlayer);
        // Starting two different threads
         *Note: As we are dealing with threads output may
         *differ every single time we run the program

Believer track started
GTA-V5 game started
Believer track ended
GTA-V5 game ended

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