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How to Create Pie Chart Using Plotly in R

The pie chart is a circular graphical representation of data that is divided into some slices based on the proportion of it present in the dataset. 

In R programming this pie chart can be drawn using Plot_ly() function which is present in the Plotly package. In this article, we are going to plot a pie chart for the default dataset iris which is present in CRAN Repository. In Plotly the pie chart can be plotted in different ways simple, styled, and donut chart.

Loading Libraries

As we require the Plotly library, we can install and load it with the given command.

# Install required package(plotly)
# Load the installed package into current working environment

Loading Dataset

Here, we are using Iris Dataset, so we need to load it. For that run the code below.

# Load the dataset
# Convert the dataset into a data frame

Once we have the dataset, we can now plot the pie chart. Let’s start with the Simple pie chart.

Simple Pie Chart 

Syntax : plot_ly(df,type,marker,labels,values) %>% layout()


  • df – data frame
  • type – used to specify the type of plot we want to visualize
  • marker() – function used to set marker genotype objects 
  • labels – names of categorical variables in the dataset
  • values – values of the columns in the dataset that we want to plot are specified here (optional)
  • layout() –  this function is used to change the layout as required (like assigning a title to the plot…)

# Plotting the piechart using plot_ly() function
                type="pie") %>% layout(title="Species Percentage of Iris Dataset")


pie chart using Plotly in R

Styled Pie chart 

Here we will add the colors, text-info, text-position, etc. to the pie chart.

# Plotting the styled pie chart using plot_ly() function
                textposition="outside",textinfo = 'label+percent',
                hoverinfo='label',outsidetextfont = list(color = 'red'),
                marker=list(colors=c("grey", 'blue', 'yellow'),
                line=list(color="white",width=2)),type="pie") %>%
                layout(title="Species Percentage of Iris Dataset")


pie chart using Plotly in R

Donut Chart 

In the Donut pie chart, we need to mention the hole value. 

  layout(title="Donut Plot Using R")


Donut chart using Plotly in R

Custimiozation of Donut charts

We can increase or decrease the circle rediuas by changing hole size of the donut to make more attractive.

  layout(title="Donut Plot Using R")


Donut chart using Plotly in R

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