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How to Create a User Defined Function in Excel VBA?

A function is a collection of code.  As a developer, we very often need a custom function (User-defined function) in our projects. Here we explain how to create a UDF (user-defined function) to count/return the Number of vowels in a given string using Excel VBA.  

Example Custom Function Syntax:

Function Name: countVowel()
Input parameter: an excel cell
Output: Return an integer (Number of vowels)


Follow the below steps to create a User-defined Function in Excel VBA:

Step 1: Open an excel file, To create user-defined function “countVowel()” function.

Step 2: Press Alt + F11 – to open Visual Basic Editor.

Step 3: Click Insert >> Module – which will add a new module as in Img1.

Img 1

Step 4: Type the below code in “code window”.

Function countVowel(rg As Range)
For i = 1 To Len(rg.Value)
    textValue = UCase(Mid(rg.Value, i, 1))
    If textValue Like "[AEIOU]" Then
        vowelCount = vowelCount + 1
    End If
Next i
countVowel = vowelCount
End Function 

Step 5: Save your Excel workbook as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) 

Step 6: Type “Customer” in cell “A1” and “Vowels_Count” in cell “B1” as header.

Step 7: Write below formula in cell “B2” (Img 2) and drag it to fill “B2:B6” (Img 3)


Img 2

Img 3

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