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How to count the number of sentences in a text in R

A fundamental task in R that is frequently used in text analysis and natural language processing is counting the number of sentences in a text. Sentence counting is necessary for many applications, including language modelling, sentiment analysis, and text summarization. In this article, we’ll look at various techniques and R packages for quickly and correctly counting the amount of phrases in a given text using R.

Related Concepts :

Steps Required For Counting Sentences in R :

Code for Counting Sentences in Text using stringr Package

text <- "This is R program for counting number of sentences in text.
This program is for GFG article . And it is using stringr package for counting."
sentences <- unlist(strsplit(text, "[.!?]"))
num_sentences <- length(sentences)
cat("Number of sentences using unlist and strsplit :", num_sentences)


Number of sentences using unlist and strsplit : 3

Finally we use cat to display the sentence count as below. As there are 3 sentences in the text ending with full stop(.) the output will be 3 .

Counting Sentences in Text using R and strcount()

if (!require(stringr)) {
text <- "This is R program for counting number of sentences in text.
This program is for GFG article .
And it is using stringr package for counting. And is it working ?"
sentence_pattern <- "[.!?]"
num_sentences <- str_count(text, sentence_pattern)
cat("Number of sentences using stringr :", num_sentences, "\n")


Number of sentences using stringr : 4 

Finally we will display the sentence count using cat. Here in text there are four sentences in total 3 ending with full stop(.) and one ending with question mark(?) .Hence the output is 4

Code for Counting Sentences in Text using openNLP Package

if (!require(openNLP)) {
  install.packages("openNLP") #this will install the package if not present
text <- "This is gfg sentence. Another sentence from gfg ! And a third one?"
sent_token_annotator <- Maxent_Sent_Token_Annotator()
sentences <- sent_token_annotator(text)
num_sentences <- length(sentences)
cat("Number of sentences using openNLP:", num_sentences, "\n")


Number of sentences using openNLP: 3

Here there are 3 sentences seperated by full stop(.) , exclamation mark(!) and question mark(?) respectively . Hence the output is 3.

Code for Counting Sentences in Text using tokenizers Package

if (!require(tokenizers)) {
text <- "This is an example gfg sentence. Another gfg sentence! this is last example."
sentences <- unlist(tokenize_sentences(text))
num_sentences <- length(sentences)
cat("Number of sentences using tokenizers:", num_sentences, "\n")


Number of sentences using tokenizers: 3 

As there are three sentences in text variable . Two of them separated by full stop(.) and one of them separated by exclamation mark(!). The count is 3.

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