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How to Convert Query String to an Array in PHP ?

In this article, we will see how to convert a query string to an array in PHP. The Query String is the part of the URL that starts after the question mark(?).


Input: str = "company=GeeksforGeeks&Address=Noida&Phone=9876543210"
Output: Array (
[name] => xyz
[address] => noida
[mobile] => 9876543210
Input: str = "name=xyz&language=english&age=23&education=btech"
Output: Array(
[name] => xyz
[language] => english
[age] => 23
[education] => btech

There are two methods to convert a query string to an array, these are:


Using parse_str() Function

The parse_str() function parses a query string into variables. The string passed to this function for parsing is in the format of a query string passed via a URL.


void parse_str($string, $array)

Example 1: This example uses parse_str() function to convert the query string into the array variable.

// Query String
$query = "name=xyz&address=noida&mobile=9876543210";
// Parses a query string into variables
parse_str($query, $res);
// Print the result

    [name] => xyz
    [address] => noida
    [mobile] => 9876543210

Example 2: This example uses parse_str() function to convert the query string into the array and store into $arr variable.

// Query String
$query = "name=xyz&address=noida&mobile=9876543210";
// Create an empty array
$arr = array();
// Parses a query string into variables
parse_str($query, $arr);
// Print the result

    [name] => xyz
    [address] => noida
    [mobile] => 9876543210

Using $_GET Method

The GET method sent the data as URL parameters that are usually strings of name and value pairs separated by ampersands (&). We can display the get data using print_r() function.

Example: This example uses $_GET method to convert the query string to the array.

if (!empty($_GET)) {
else {
    echo "No GET data passed!";


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