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How to convert a Set to Map in JavaScript?

A Set is a collection of unique values. It stores only the data in the form of values while a Map can store the data in the form of key-value pairs.

These are the different ways of converting a Set to a Map in JavaScript:

Using the Array.from() method

The Array.from() method can be used to convert a Set to a Map by passing the Map and a callback function to set the keys and the values of the Map as parameters to this method.


Array.from(setName, ()=>{});

Example: The below code example uses the Array.from() method to convert a Set to a Map.

const dummySet = new Set();
dummySet.add('Virat Kohli');
console.log("Initial Set: ", dummySet);
const createdMap = new Map(Array.from
(dummySet, value => [value.length, value]));
console.log("Created Map: ", createdMap);

Initial Set:  Set(2) { 'GeeksforGeeks', 'Virat Kohli' }
Created Map:  Map(2) { 13 => 'GeeksforGeeks', 11 => 'Virat Kohli' }

Using the Spread Operator with map() method

The spread operator is used to spread the data of the Set and the the map() method will be used to iterate over them to store them in an empty Map.



Example: The below code is the practical implementation of the above approach to convert a Set into a Map.

const dummySet = new Set();
dummySet.add('Virat Kohli');
console.log("Initial Set: ", dummySet);
const createdMap = new Map([...dummySet].
map((item)=>[item.length, item]));
console.log("Created Map: ", createdMap);

Initial Set:  Set(2) { 'GeeksforGeeks', 'Virat Kohli' }
Created Map:  Map(2) { 13 => 'GeeksforGeeks', 11 => 'Virat Kohli' }

Using the reduce() method

The JavaScript reduce() method can be used to convert the Set to a Map when it is used with the spread operator.



Example: The below code shows the practical implementation of the reduce() method to convert a Set to a Map.

const dummySet = new Set();
dummySet.add('Virat Kohli');
console.log("Initial Set: ", dummySet);
const createdMap = [...dummySet].
reduce((map, item)=>
map.set(item.length, item), new Map());
console.log("Created Map: ", createdMap);

Initial Set:  Set(2) { 'GeeksforGeeks', 'Virat Kohli' }
Created Map:  Map(2) { 13 => 'GeeksforGeeks', 11 => 'Virat Kohli' }

Using the forEach() method

The forEach() method can be used to iterate through each element of the Set to set them as key-value pair of the Map one by one.



Example: The below code can be used to convert a Set to a Map using the forEach() method.

const dummySet = new Set();
dummySet.add('Virat Kohli');
console.log("Initial Set: ", dummySet);
const createdMap = new Map();
dummySet.forEach((item) =>
createdMap.set(item.length, item));
console.log("Created Map: ", createdMap);

Initial Set:  Set(2) { 'GeeksforGeeks', 'Virat Kohli' }
Created Map:  Map(2) { 13 => 'GeeksforGeeks', 11 => 'Virat Kohli' }

Using the for of loop

The for of loop can be used to get the items of the Set one by one and then set them as the key value pairs of the Map using the Map set() Method.


for(const itemName of setName){}

Example: The below code implements the for of loop to convet a Set to a Map in JavaScript.

const dummySet = new Set();
dummySet.add('Virat Kohli');
console.log("Initial Set: ", dummySet);
const createdMap = new Map();
for(const item of dummySet){
    createdMap.set(item.length, item);
console.log("Created Map: ", createdMap);

Initial Set:  Set(2) { 'GeeksforGeeks', 'Virat Kohli' }
Created Map:  Map(2) { 13 => 'GeeksforGeeks', 11 => 'Virat Kohli' }

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