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How to connect MongoDB database in a Node.js Applications ?

Node.js is a built-in JavaScript Chrome platform to easily build faster and more flexible network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, uninterrupted I / O model that makes it easy and efficient, suitable for real-time applications that use data that works on all distributed devices.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform working environment for server-side development and communication applications. Node.js applications are JavaScript enabled and can run during Node.js running time on OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.

Node.js also provides a rich library of various JavaScript modules that facilitate the development of web applications using Node.js on a large scale.


Step 1: Create a NodeJS Project and initialize it using the following command:

npm init

Step 2: Install the node modules using the following command:

npm i express mongodb mongoose cors

File Structure: Our file structure will look like the following:

project folder structure

// To connect with your mongoDB database
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
// Connecting to database
    dbName: "yourDB-name",
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true,
  (err) =>
    err ? console.log(err) : console.log(
      "Connected to yourDB-name database")
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const cors = require("cors");
console.log("App listen at port 5000");

Run index.js file using below command:

nodemon index.js

Output on console

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