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How to Change the Type of a Field?

Data types are fundamental to programming languages and databases, acting as classifiers that specify the kind of data an object or variable can hold. They help developers understand the values a variable can store and the operations that can be performed on those values.

In MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, there are several data types available to handle a wide range of data types. In this article, We will see what are the data types in MongoDB and multiple methods through which we can easily change the type of a field.

What is a Data Type?

What are the Different Data Types in MongoDB?

MongoDB supports many data types to be able to handle different types of data support for a wide range of applications. These data types include:

To explore in detail the various data types of MongoDB you can refer to Data Types in MongoDB article which explores various data types in detail.

Different Ways of Changing the Type of Field in MongoDB

Changing the type of a field involves in updating the existing fields of the documents in the collection.

Method 1: Using MongoDB Compass

Step 1: Open MongoDB Compass and connect to your Mongodb database.

Step 2: Navigate to the collection containing the field you want to update.

Step 3: On hovering over the collection we will be able to see the Edit document button. click on the Edit document button.

Edit image option shown on hovering the document

Step 4: After clicking the edit document option on the right hand side of the document you will be able to see the data types which can be edited by clicking them.

On the right side of the document data types of fields are mentioned

List of data types shown in below image.

List of data types

Step 5: Select the data type as per your requirement and then click on the `Update` button shown. This will change the data type of the corresponding field to the data type you have choose.

For example, in the below document the data type of field `degree` is changed from `String` to `Arrays`.

Selecting the `Array `data type

As we can saw in the below image that document is updated.

The document is updated

Method 2: Using the $set operator

This method involves using the `$set` operator along with the correct type conversion functions so that this does not result into an error while updating the data type of a field.

Step 1: Open MongoDB Compass and connect to our MongoDB database.

Step 2: Click on the “Collections” tab to view your collections.

Step 3: Select the collection containing the documents where we want to change the field type.

You can understand this clearly with an example.

Example: You have a collection which contains various fields:

This is the sample collection

Step 4: Click on the “Query” tab to switch to the Query Bar.

Step 5: Write your query in the Query Bar. Enter the query given below:

{ "title": "Introduction to MongoDB" },
$set: {
"tags": [
{ "name": "MongoDB", "relevance": "high" },
{ "name": "NoSQL", "relevance": "medium" },
{ "name": "Database", "relevance": "high" }]


Writing the query in the query bar.

Now the data type of the tag field has been changed from Array of `strings` to Array of `object`.

Data type of `tag` field is changed



Overall, In MongoDB, data types play a crucial role in organizing and managing data. They define the type of values that can be stored in a field and the operations that can be performed on those values. By understanding the different data types available in MongoDB and how to change the type of a field, developers can effectively design and manage their databases to meet the requirements of their applications.

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