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How to Calculate Square Root of a Fraction?

To calculate the square root of a fraction, separate the numerator and denominator, find the square root of each part, and simplify to get the result.

To calculate the square root of a fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Separate the Numerator and Denominator: Write the fraction in the form √(numerator) / √(denominator).

Step 2: Find the Square Root: Calculate the square root of both the numerator and the denominator separately.

Step 3: Simplify if Possible: If the square root of either the numerator or the denominator is a perfect square, simplify it.

Step 4: Combine the Results: Place the simplified square roots back together to form the final result.

For example, to find the square root of the fraction 4/9:

Separate: √(4) / √(9)

Calculate: √(4) = 2 and √(9) = 3

Simplify: Both 2 and 3 are perfect squares.

Combine: 2/3

So, the square root of 4/9 is 2/3.

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