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How to Browse in Microsoft Edge Browser

Microsoft Edge (or simply known as Edge) is a cross-platform internet browser developed by Microsoft. It was first released in 2015 alongside Windows 10. Edge was developed as a successor to Internet Explorer. Edge contains many user-friendly features such as Favorites, a reading list, browsing history and downloads, a sidebar providing functionality similar to Internet Explorer’s Downloads manager, a Favorites Center, a customizable homepage, a built-in search bar and support for extensions. In this article, we are going to see how to install Microsoft Edge and how to browse it. So, let’s start.

How To Install Microsoft Edge:

Before using Edge for browsing one needs to make sure that Microsoft Edge is Installed on their Device. Follow the steps given below to Install Edge.

  1. Go to This is the official website for downloading Microsoft Edge.
  2. Select your version of the operating system and click Download. See the below image for your reference.

How to Browse in Edge:

After Installation is complete, follow the following steps to browse in Edge:

  1. Launch the Microsoft Edge by clicking or searching in your App list.
  2. Click on the search tab enter the URL you want to visit and then Press enter.
  3. You will now be taken to your desired website.

Utilizing Tools:

Click on the three dots present at the end of the search bar to access other functionalities such as history, favorites downloads. See the below image for you reference.

Note: Exact options may vary depending on the version of Microsoft Edge.

A menu will pop up and it contain the following options:

Split Screen Feature:

Split screen feature allows you to split the opened tab in two part and you can open a new tab in half screen and browse easily.

To check that the split screen feature is enabled in your browser, type (or paste) the following in the address bar.


Split Screen Feature

Tab Management:

If you want to group similar tabs together and later want to open at same time you can use the Tab Management feature. Below are the steps how you can manage Tabs.

You can now add multiple tabs or remove any tab from the group by following the above steps.

Developer Tools:

To access developer tools, click on the horizontal 3 dots on the top right of the browser window (…) > More tools > Developer tools or simply use the shortcut key to open it. (Shift + ctrl + I)

Developer Tools

After opening the developer tools, you can see many options are available, and now we will discuss each option available in the developer tool.

Security and Privacy Features of Microsoft Edge:


You can use Extensions or Add-ons on you Microsoft Edge browser to improve your browsing experience. To use it follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the above shown icon.
  2. Select Open Microsoft Edge Add-ons.
  3. Find the extension you’d like to add and select Get.
  4. Examine the permissions required by the extension at the popup, and then select Add extension if you want to continue.

A final prompt will appear verifying that the extension has been added.

Immersive Reader:

Enter Reader Mode in Immersive Reader

Read Aloud in Microsoft Edge

Read Aloud is a simple but effective tool for reading the text of a web page aloud.

To begin, select Read Aloud from the Immersive Reader toolbar. A ribbon toolbar appears at the top of the page after you start Read Aloud. The toolbar includes buttons to play audio,  skip to the next or previous paragraph, and adjust Voice options. Voice options allow you to change the reader’s voice and slow down or speed up their reading pace.

To stop listening, select the Pause button or the X to close Read aloud.

Advantages of Using Edge

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