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How to append new data to existing XML using Python ElementTree

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a widely used format for storing and transporting data. In Python, the ElementTree module provides a convenient way to work with XML data. When dealing with XML files, it is common to need to append new data to an existing XML document. This can be achieved efficiently using Python’s ElementTree module.

What is Python ElementTree?

Python’s ElementTree module is part of the standard library and provides a simple and lightweight way to parse, manipulate, and create XML documents. It follows the ElementTree API, allowing you to work with XML in a tree-like structure. The main classes in the ElementTree module are Element, ElementTree, and ElementTree.ElementTree.

Syntax :

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('existing_xml_file.xml'); tree.getroot().append(ET.Element('new_element_name'))


Below, are the advantages of Python ElementTree.

How to append new data to existing XML using Python ElementTree

Below, are the example of How to append new data to existing XML using Python ElementTree.

Example 1: Appending New Data to Existing XML : Below, code utilizes the ElementTree module to manipulate an XML file. It first loads an existing XML file (‘existing.xml’) and obtains the root element of the XML tree. Subsequently, a new XML element named ‘new_element’ with the text content ‘New data’ is created and appended to the root. Finally, the modified XML structure is written back to a new file (‘data.xml’), reflecting the addition of the new element.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Load the XML file
tree = ET.parse('existing.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
# Create a new element
new_element = ET.Element('new_element')
new_element.text = 'New data'
# Append the new element to the root
# Write the modified XML back to the file

existing.html: Below, XML code represents a data structure with an existing element containing the text “Existing data” and a new element with the text “New data” encapsulated within a root element named “data.”

    <existing_element>Existing data</existing_element>
    <new_element>New data</new_element>

Output :

<existing_element>Existing data</existing_element>
<new_element>New data</new_element>
<new_element>New data</new_element></data>

Example 2 : Python XML Manipulation: Adding a New Book Entry : In below code uses the ElementTree module to parse an existing XML file named ‘library.xml.’ It creates a new book element with attributes such as title, author, and genre, and appends it to the root of the XML tree.Finally, the updated XML tree is written back to a file named ‘updated_library.xml.’

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Parse the existing XML file
tree = ET.parse('library.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
# Create a new book element
new_book = ET.Element('book')
# Add attributes to the new book element
new_book.set('title', 'New Book Title')
new_book.set('author', 'Author Name')
new_book.set('genre', 'Fiction')
# Append the new book element to the root
# Write the updated XML back to a file

library.xml: below XML code with a root element <data> containing existing and new child elements. <existing_element> holds “Existing data,” and <new_element> has “New data.” Represents a basic XML structure for data storage or exchange.

    <existing_element>Existing data</existing_element>
    <new_element>New data</new_element>


<existing_element>Existing data</existing_element>
<new_element>New data</new_element>
<book title="New Book Title" author="Author Name" genre="Fiction" /></data>


In conclusion , Appending new data to an existing XML file using Python ElementTree is a straightforward process. By following the simple syntax and using the capabilities of the ElementTree module, you can efficiently manipulate and update XML documents in your Python applications. This flexibility makes Python a powerful choice for working with XML data in various scenarios, from data processing to web development.

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