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How to add metadata to a DataFrame or Series with Pandas in Python?

Metadata, also known as data about the data. Metadata can give us data description, summary, storage in memory, and datatype of that particular data. We are going to display and create metadata.



Here, we are going to create a data frame, and we can view and create metadata on the created data frame

View existing Metadata methods:

Create Metadata

We can create the metadata for the particular data frame using dataframe.scale() and dataframe.offset() methods. They are used to represent the metadata.




Below are some examples which depict how to add metadata to a DataFrame or Series:

Example 1

Initially create and display a dataframe.

# import required modules
import pandas as pd
# initialise data of lists using dictionary
data = {'Name': ['Sravan', 'Deepak', 'Radha', 'Vani'],
        'College': ['vignan', 'vignan Lara', 'vignan', 'vignan'],
        'Department': ['CSE', 'IT', 'IT', 'CSE'],
        'Profession': ['Student', 'Assistant Professor',
                       'Programmer & ass. Proff',
                       'Programmer & Scholar'],
        'Age': [22, 32, 45, 37]
# create dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# print dataframe


Then check dataframe attributes and description.

# data information
# data columns description
# describing columns


Initialize offset and scale of the dataframe.

# initializing scale and offset
# for creating meta data
df.scale = 0.1
df.offset = 15
# display scale and offset
print('Scale:', df.scale)
print('Offset:', df.offset)


We are storing data in hdf5 file format, and then we will display the dataframe along with its stored metadata. 

# store in hdf5 file format
storedata = pd.HDFStore('college_data.hdf5')
# data
storedata.put('data_01', df)
# including metadata
metadata = {'scale': 0.1, 'offset': 15}
# getting attributes
storedata.get_storer('data_01').attrs.metadata = metadata
# closing the storedata
# getting data
with pd.HDFStore('college_data.hdf5') as storedata:
    data = storedata['data_01']
    metadata = storedata.get_storer('data_01').attrs.metadata
# display data
print('\nDataframe:\n', data)
# display stored data
print('\nStored Data:\n', storedata)
# display metadata
print('\nMetadata:\n', metadata)


Example 2

Series data structure in pandas will not support info and all methods. So we directly create metadata and display.

# import required module
import pandas as pd
# initialise data of lists using dictionary.
data = {'Name': ['Sravan', 'Deepak', 'Radha', 'Vani'],
        'College': ['vignan', 'vignan Lara', 'vignan', 'vignan'],
        'Department': ['CSE', 'IT', 'IT', 'CSE'],
        'Profession': ['Student', 'Assistant Professor',
                       'Programmer & ass. Proff',
                       'Programmer & Scholar'],
        'Age': [22, 32, 45, 37]
# Create series
ser = pd.Series(data)
# display data


Now we will store the metadata and then display it.

# storing data in hdf5 file format
storedata = pd.HDFStore('college_data.hdf5')
# data
storedata.put('data_01', ser)
# mentioning scale and offset
metadata = {'scale': 0.1, 'offset': 15}
storedata.get_storer('data_01').attrs.metadata = metadata
# storing close
# getting attributes
with pd.HDFStore('college_data.hdf5') as storedata:
    data = storedata['data_01']
    metadata = storedata.get_storer('data_01').attrs.metadata
# display data
print('\nData:\n', data)
# display stored data
print('\nStored Data:\n', storedata)
# display Metadata
print('\nMetadata:\n', metadata)


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