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How to Add and Manage Discord Roles

Create and Set Roles Channel in Discord using Carl Bot – Quick Steps

  • Open Discord App
  • Navigate to Server Settings > App Directory
  • Search “Carl Bot” and add it to the server
  • Enable Developer’s Mode in User’s Settings > Advanced
  • Create necessary roles in Server Settings > Roles
  • Ensure “carl-bot” is at the top of the Roles list
  • Create a Text Channel named “roles”
  • Send any message in the “roles” channel and copy the Message ID
  • Type “/reactionrole add” or “/reactionrole addmany” in the roles channel
  • Paste the Message ID, provide Emoji(s), and assign Role(s)
  • Users can now take up roles by reacting to Emojis in the Roles Channel

Discord is one of the most used social media applications to stay connected with communities and manage community members by sorting them into different categories. Discord channels are a great way to make sub-categories to manage members!

What is the Roles Channel in Discord

Well, Are you tired of assigning roles to each member individually on your Discord Server? Then here is the solution, you can create a roles channel on Discord where users can take the roles by themselves just by reacting to the emoji!!

Roles Channel can be made with Bots like Carl Bot, MEE6 Bot, Sapphire Bot, and others.

How to Add Roles Channel in Discord

Step 1: Open the Discord App or Discord Web App

Launch the Discord Desktop App or Discord Website and open your server.

Step 2: Add Carl Bot to the server

After Authorizing, it will ask for Human Verification so do it and Carl Bot will get added to Server

Step 3: Turn on Developer Mode in Discord

Developer Mode should be turned on to get Message ID

Step 4: Create Roles in Server Settings

To properly learn how to create and setup roles in discord click here.

Step 5: Create a Text Channel name as “roles”

Step 6: Send a message in the roles channel

Step 7: Copy Message ID

You cannot see Copy Message ID option if Developer’s Mode is OFF and please follow Step 3 to turn on developer’s mode in Discord!!

Step 8: Type /reactionrole in roles channel

Well, its all set now and you can also use colors in this roles channel and to do this Click here.

How to Assign Roles in Discord – Managing Members within a Role

The “Manage Members” tab shows you who’s in a role, lets you change their settings and adds new people. Click a role name to see who’s in it. In this Zapier role screenshot, you can’t add or remove members from an integration-related role.


With these detailed steps, We have successfully created and set up a roles channel in Discord using Carl Bot. This user-friendly approach not only simplifies role management but also enhances user engagement within your Discord Server. For more features, such as adding colors to the roles channel, refer to this article. Stay Tuned Geeks!!

FAQs on How to Make a Roles Channel on Discord

What is Roles Channel?

A roles channel on Discord allows users to self-assign roles by reacting to emojis.

Can role channels be created with bots other than Carl Bot?

Ofcourse YES, Certainly! While this article is focused on Carl Bot, other popular bots like MEE6 Bot, Sapphire Bot, and others also offer similar features. The steps may vary slightly, but the concept remains the same.

Can I create multiple role channels in my Discord server?

Absolutely! Depending on your server’s needs, you can create multiple roles channels to cater to different roles or responsibilities. Each channel can have its unique set of reactions for role assignment.

How do I remove a role from a user in a roles channel?

To remove a role from a user, an admin or a user with the appropriate permissions can use Carl Bot commands like /removerole [user] [rolename]. Alternatively, server admins can manually remove roles through Discord’s native role management.

How can I troubleshoot issues with the reaction roles setup?

If you encounter issues with the setup, ensure that Carl Bot has the necessary permissions. Additionally, check that Message ID is not link and also check emoji, and role information entered during the setup to avoid any issues.

Can I modify or delete a reaction role message once it’s set up?

Yes, you can modify or delete a reaction role message. Use Carl Bot commands like /reactionrole edit or /reactionrole delete in the roles channel to make necessary adjustments.

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